Tri-linyah (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tri-linyah (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

my stomach has never been so bloated like my stomach feels much larger than it was. Weight gain !! Dizziness when im laying down or when i stand up. Nauseous at night and morning. Getting iud soon.

I have had extreme anxiety the entire time depression some days I can’t stand the sound of my own breathing. Yes it’s that bad .. I would t recommend if you already have with issues with anxiety and depression it just seems to made it worse

I had helped me with my pain from my periods and the flow of my period. It has cleared up some acne but not all of it, I’ve lost like approximately 15 lbs. but I didn’t even notice until I went to the doctor. This is the only medication I take and I used to be happy all the time and now I feel depressed about things and sad or I get very irritated very fast or just mad at little things and my patience has gone out the window, i have headaches frequently, I take it at night but I feel sick in the morning, I don’t know if I should be stopping my medication

Nausea, Vomiting, Upset Stomach, Severe Irritability, Rage, VInginal Itching, Acne, Mood Swings, Itching allover body.

I am taking because of severe PMS, Periods and to prevent pregnancy, The pill is very hellish but my doc said Its temporary, I am going to wait a little longer to see if the side effects go away.

my acne severely worsened. my cheeks and forehead are now covered with deep puss filled pimples. there was even a pimple in my ear. i feel pressure in my ears as if they're clogged. very sore and heavy breasts. very irritable- lashed out on my boyfriend and mother, spontaneous crying and anger (mainly over acne.) felt like i was stuck inside my head. i'm still trying to recover from the side effects. i've been off it for a couple of days.

Bad side effects of mood swings and anxiety!

TRI-LINYAH (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORGESTIMATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin and an estrogen. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dizzyness, dry mouth, slight headaches, nausea.

Two weeks remaining on taking combivir and alluvia. The muscle pains are just Excruciating for me. But put on some massage with hot water bottle it relaxes..the pain is worse if you move around a a lot of resting is needed..

the first couple of weeks I had a pick me affect and better concentration. sleeping was not sound until after two weeks.I had been in wellbutrun sr for the last cuople of years and very much liked that med. But when emsam came out i tried to get my doc to prescribe it for me, finally he gave me the prescription last month. I used to order liquid deprenyl from England.

Started Fosamax about 7 years ago and got severe knee joint pain and general stiffness in my knees and hips. Switched to Actonel, which helped with the severe knee pain only. I figured the stiffness was about just getting older (had a complete/total hysterectomy at 42, which apparently speeds up the process). The Dr. didn't tell me the stiffness could be drug related, just the knee pain. Also, I had incomplete bowel movements (needed two trips to the bathroom in the morning - colonoscopy showed all is normal internally) on Actonel and had developed regurg, which both parents had w/o such meds so I never thought twice about a causal relationship. I stopped taking the Actonel about 5 years ago for no other reason than I wanted to stop, but all of those symptoms persisted. Again, I thought it was just about getting older and not the meds I took five years ago. Question: does Actonel really have a 10-year half life? (Please email me with any info.) Currently, I am back on Actonel b

i have had 2 missed periods. doctor did not think much about it, but article lists this as a SEVERE side effect.

irrational behavior, ADHD like sypmtoms, anger, aggressiveness, night time fears, anxiety

Severe uper respiratory infection

I have been taking this drug for 6 months and im really getting used to the side affects. it barely hurts at all so hang in there. Something else a little less conventional that has been very successful is the medical use of marijuana. it helps with just about every MS symptom that i have had. Keep a good attitude and exercise!!! IT WORKS!

I almost died taking this antibiotic. I was fine for the first two weeks and the third week almost killed me. It's been two years since I've taken this drug and am STILL having related side effects such as EXTREME fatigue (Can you imagine walking around everyday with 100 people on your back? Well, it feels like that.), abdominal pain (both my left and right sides), dizziness, wanting to throw up after a small meal, heart palpitations, breathing problems, runny nose, throat closing, etc.This is the ONLY drug that I've had an adverse reaction to.I regret that I didn't go to the emergency room to get treatment and am thankful that I'm "supposedly" "fine" today.

When starting the med I noticed a difference in manic/depressive cycling within 2 weeks and was stabilized and at baseline by 4 weeks. I was very impressed. I did experience some weight gain but it was not bothersome for me. I also experienced blurred vision that became progressively worse as I continued to take the medication. Discontinuing use does not improve this. In fact my eyes continue to become more and more blurred and frankly I AM concerned with going blind eventually. Other side effects I have experienced discontinuing abilify are nausea vomiting and drastic weight loss for about 3 weeks after my last dose. I will note that I was not nauseous or vomiting until about 2 weeks after my last dose. I also experienced body dysmorphia from the weight loss which made the depression and mania cycling worse. I have not enjoyed discontinuing the drug and look forward to securing another prescription soon. Also since continuing I constantly feel itchy especially my hands and feet and shoes are inconvenient because if this. I also have lost an alarming amount of hair. I do find this somewhat distressing. I have not had any medication since discontinuing 4.5 months ago and am currently in manic cycle.