Tretinoin (tretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tretinoin (tretinoin)

Took about four weeks for it to start working. Ran out and skin quickly got worse. Need to use consistently. The generic tube is cheap and the seam broke losing the medication

TRETINOIN (TRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat acne. It may decrease the number and severity of acne pimples and promote quick healing of pimples that do develop. Tretinoin belongs to a class of medications called retinoids. It works by affecting the growth of skin cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

have appt for dr to evaluate first available

hunger pains, stomach pains, gas pains, bloating/swelling feeling of having to go #2 almost all the time, when I do need to go I find it hard sometimes like the muscles are weak. Most recently urinating sometimes feels weak and sleep is being effected

I don’t take this as prescribed. I’m supposed to take 10mg each night but I only take it once and a while. It works great for muscle spasms and helps well with pain. Also great for helping you sleep. I’ve taken this medicine more than a hundred times and been fine. Out of all the times I’ve taken it I have the same results sweating, tiredness and great muscle relaxation. Just don’t go to bed with a full bladder or you may wake up wet. But that only happened once. Also figure out your own dosage. I’d recommend taking like 2.5 mg once a day and if it works good. May need more. But I’d have to say never exceed 10mg unless you want to be out for longer than 6-8 hours.

Extreme dryness in mouth, nose & eyes. Eyes burn and are blood shot.

Worked OK on a low dose (25mg) initialy for sleeping and depression. But anxiety was always present and as my dosage increased to 100mg so did the other side effects until taking the drug became unbearable. I amost "lost my mind" and forgot how to speak my language and associate with others.

seems to be controlling blood pressure but I am going to try more natural methods like losing weight

Extreme flushing !! Sunburn type feeling and looks like I've been out in the sun all day with no sun block. Does cause anxiety a bit because the feeling is so abnormal and unlike anything I've ever felt. Two episodes one month after taking Cholesterol meds.

The first time I took Zoloft was for depression and explosive anger when I was 19 and it worked like a dream. Now im 28 and it gave me restless leg syndrome, paranoia, anxiety and I craved sweets constantly. On the plus side my memory did improve alot ( im ADD)Now im on Lexapro lets see how this goes.

now that i am on trinessa (which the insurence sent to me w/o warning) i have gone CRAZY. i have been on it for only three weeks and i have experienced moodswings like i have never before. i got so angry and heated, i blacked out and my nose started bleeding and i had chest pain from over exertion of ANGER, then i was depressed the next minute...this stuff is BAD news. i knew taking this BC that it was recalled for some secret reason possibly concerning expiration dates. also, i have always had clear skin and i've now developed breakouts on my face and chest and my skin is all messed up. my boobs increased a full cup size in the last week, but my nipples have cause exrutiating pain. i also cannot sleep, and the new "look" for me is death...i have circles under my eyes and my skin is gray and ashy. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.

Have just called the doctor for an alternative. The side effects are worse than the BV.