Tresiba (insulin degludec) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tresiba (insulin degludec)

Weight gain depression anxiety out of control can't sleep just to name a few of the things happening with this POSION


My doctor prescribed me this insulin to replace using Lantus at night. I took the dose in the morning, and my blood sugar dropped while gardening out in my yard. I could not keep my blood sugars stable at all. I tried calling my endocrinologist because this concerned me- but could not get in touch with him. I felt very out of control with this insulin. I have had type 1 diabetes for almost 50 years, and do not like feeling out of control with it. The next morning, at around 11:30 am, I ate an early lunch- and my blood sugars went from 270 to 380. I took some Humalog to bring it down- but it took a while to come down, no matter what I did. I finally decided this insulin was not for me. I never heard from my endocrinologist until I seen him for my appointment. He didn't seem phased by my worry. He is no longer my doctor- guess he's selling health insurance or a used car salesman, now. I haven't seen him around, so....

Well, It didn't work for me- I feel more in control taking Humolog & Lantus.

If you want high blood sugars all night and low blood sugars all day, then this is for you. I lasted 7 days before I went back on Levemir. I can not believe this insulin was ever approved by the FDA. It may work for some people, but most reviews you see are negative. I am a type 1 diabetic. It may work okay if you are.type 2.

Extreme weight gain, constipation, my numbers are too high.

Inconsistent blood sugar, swelling, weight gain. It's not the panacea the doc wants you to believe. Guess I've helped him reach his prescribing quota, lol

At first it did seem to help my "dawn phenomenon" as my morning bs went from 200s down to 80s. But every batch since the first hasn't had that effect. In fact, there are wacky blood sugars occurring at random unexplainable times, kinda like there's no baseline on board at all followed with a wicked low blood sugar with appropriate correction amount of short acting. The last batch is has been more consistent/appropriate. So maybe they've been working out some kinks, but it's been super frustrating. Tempting to go back to old school insulin.

TRESIBA (INSULIN DEGLUDEC): Improve glucose control in adults with diabetes mellitus (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Lost weight.. about 20 to 25 pounds.. that I did not need to loose.. I went down to size 0 from size 4... Another side effect or maybe side effect that I want to ask women about.. First of all I stopped having periods.. So, my gyno wants to put me on birth control pills.. ( because of all the weight that I lost)... the second maybe side effect, yeast infections... did any of you notice yeast infections????? I started having yeast infections every months about two months after I started Topamax...

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I have been taking this drug for over 2 years and am still not sure that it has done anything positive. I've been on a combination of drugs however so it is hard to be sure. I've been expieriencing muscle twitiching for the last couple months, which is a symptom of tartive dyskenisia so I am currently tapering off.