Tobrex (tobramycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tobrex (tobramycin)

My tongue became extremely sore and sensitive. My throad and inside of my lips were also sore and sensitive. These symptoms disappeared when I discontinued this medication

TOBREX (TOBRAMYCIN): This medication is used to treat eye infections. Tobramycin belongs to a class of drugs called aminoglycoside antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Infection is clearing up, but the symptoms came on so slowly that it was hard to recognize the relationship. I would have stopped at day 6 once the headache and fever persisted had I read this site sooner.

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After all of these years, in the last 2 years have gone down hill to the point of barely serviving each day. Will take the risk and won't be taking anymore so I have a quality of life that I have not had for many years. How dare your company take my life away for the sake of money. Shame shame shame.

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