Tindamax (tinidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tindamax (tinidazole)

TINDAMAX (TINIDAZOLE): Tinidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat certain types of vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis). It is also used to treat certain types of parasite infections (giardiasis, amebiasis). It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria and parasites. This antibiotic treats only certain bacterial and parasitic infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Weakness for first 24 hours of putting patch on

The time on the patch was not a problem, it was once I removed it. It has been sheer hell. I will never again use this, and I will let anyone who will listen know of the side effects.

Stay very close to a toilet. Wear pants that come off quickly. It will be literally like several huge pees via your bottom.

I'm no longer taking this medication. My last infusion on 4/11/24 I, ended up with such low blood pressure, went unconscious turned gray. My husband laid me on the floor rubbed my heart, I came to. Please know I am hypersensitive to meds & Months before that, I felt very toxic. The dose is too much for me. I see my Dr 4/16/24. Will switch to another biologic. But I will take a 4 month biologic vacation.

Will take myself off the medication.

First dose, upper left arm/deltoid, administered at doctor's office by nurse.

My child had hallucinations. Would stare into space & not be able to answer us for a few minutes.

I have a love-hate relationship with ozempic. I was put on it March 5th 2020 at .25mg and was supposed to bump it to .5mg the following month but I couldn't tolerate the heavy side effects so I immediately went back to the .25mg and most side effects slowed down. My blood sugars are corrected and I'm feeling healthier and more alert however, I miss food a lot and the remaining side effects are embarrassing such as loose stool when I visit family and friends or when I go camping lol. I'm seeing some weight loss around my jaw line and my legs and I'm hoping to drop more pounds as time goes on.

My then four year old son took Singular three years ago after other allergy medications would not work. My husband and I quickly noticed a difference in out normally calm son. Pre-school teachers were concerned, as were we, considering he was normally a child who payed attention, obeyed rules, and stayed focus. Suddenly he could not sit still and was mean to his brother and friends. The doctors swore there was no way these were side effects from the drup, and that he must just be going through a stage. After reading more info online from sites like this we immediately took him off the medication. He returned to his normal selse within a few days!

Heavy hair loss, bloating, weight gain, numbness in limbs, atypical headache (felt deep in my brain), interfered with normal menstrual cycle, veins became highly visible and bulging. Withdrawl from Dulera was very painful.