Tikosyn (dofetilide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tikosyn (dofetilide)

Malaise, bad stomach pain, weight gain ,fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion, brain fog, depression to almost suicidal ideation.

Horrific side effects but terrified of atrial fibrillation coming back. So I feel like I'm trapped in a kind of catch 22 hell.

Horrible stomach and intestinal pain. Diarrhea painful. Muscle pain malaise leading to depression.

Want to stop because of misery the side effects are causing but am fraid of atrial fibrillation coming back.

Kept me from going into sustained afib for about a week. Then episodes returned, lasting about 20 minutes.Horrible muscle spasms in thighs, calf, shoulders, hands. Severe neck and back pain. Fatigue.

Dr took me off for the weekend. All muscle spasms and pain subsided. Stared back on Monday and sunrooms have returned. Very difficult.

Back pain and foggy head. Still tired but improving.still have shortness of breath but better.Time will tell if everything gets better.

been experiencing back pain. wondering if this drug could be causing backk pain from kidneys?

I get very hot real quick. ,,feel pretty good most of the time ..I take dofetilide...very sensitive to light ..

This medication cost is very high ,,,my doctor said this is the only medication I can take ..at my doctor request my Insurance co. Lower my cost ,,real lowFrom a teri#= 4 to Teri #2,,,

Constant mild to medium fatigue. Occasional dizziness and light-headedness. Occasional near-fainting (but haven't passed out yet!).

For years I was having a-Fib episodes. My cardiologist tried several other Rx meds to no effect. After 7 cardioversions I was hospitalized for the required 3 days while adjusting to Tikosyn (during which I had some extreme dizziness and near-fainting). But adjusted well after the 3 days. One week-long a-Fib episode during the past 3.5 years. For me, Tikosyn was a God-send.

Within a week of starting I experienced joint and muscle pain which gradually became unbearable. EP took me off Tikosyn cold turkey. Jury is still out on if this will held.I do not like how I feel going off cold turkey.

Harsh drug. Be aware of side effects.

None. This was the only drug that helped me. I failed an all the other antiarrhythmic meds,

Severe stomach pain, headaches, some chest pain and muscle weakness

I did the 3 day ICU stint to get on the Tikosyn. I passed with flying colors! However, in the ensuing weeks I have had almost constant nausea and then very severe stomach pain. Today my electrophysiologist took me off of it. He felt I have given it my best shot and so do I. I will go back to Rythmol and Verapamil and we will talk about an ablation. This was a rough go and I hope my stomach will settle down. If you have any GI issues I would not recommend Tikosyn.

I have had left neck pain that radiates to back of head and just really foggy and exhausted. I want to get off it

hair loss, Nausea,abdominal cramps, muscle spasms

Has helped with the atrial fibrillation, only have occasional shortness of breath and irregular heartbeats.

About a month after starting Tikosyn my hair began to fall out in massive handful and I am bald today.

My aFib is better but I still have episodes. They do not last as long and I do feel better.

My aFib is better but still have some days. I generally feel better but am traumatized that all my hair fell out within 2 weeks of starting the drug. Doctor, FDA, Pharmacy all deny knowledge of hairloss side effect.

Following cardioversion due to Afib

So far, I feel much better than I did, but the last two days I have lost the initial surge of energy. I have taken a 3-4 hour nap the last couple of afternoons. While I generally feel much better, I have had pain in left side of neck since day one. I have also experienced muscle cramps. I have a follow-up with my doctor tomorrow.

I've had three cardioversions then I've been taking Tikosyn for 14 months and doing very well. So far, so good.

I have a head cold. I tried DayQuil but experienced some hard heart palpitations. What OTC medications are safe with Tikosyn?

Tikosyn was RX'd to help maintain NSR post ablation. I feel the ablation was successful (increased energy) but I'm still very aware of my heart…not sure if it's flutters or if I'm out of NSR. My physician wants to maintain me on this med for nine more months. He feels it's working well. I'm not sure I can continue for that duration because of the side effect I'm experiencing.

I am experiencing significant hair loss! I realize all meds are benefit/risk situations, however, I don't want to end up bald.

I had uncontrolled A Fib for 15 years while trying countless medications, all of which were worthless. Some of those medications left me with side-effects which I am still battling.

TIKOSYN (DOFETILIDE): This medication is used to treat certain types of serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat (such as atrial fibrillation/flutter). It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat. Dofetilide is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It works by blocking the activity of certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Please find an alternative. I don't know how Long I can do this

memory loss ,lose balance, weight gain, can't concentrate, confused, clouded feeling

I have not noticed and sexual side effects which is important and I have also not experienced any headaches while on the 18mg dose. Although I am concerned about the long term effects being aggregate.

This is the worst medication to describe to any human. after taking I had bad nightmares couldn't sleep depress confuse couldn't concentrate vomiting loss of appetite tired headache severe sharp pain ECT ugh!!!

Severe vertigo! Would last days...like 2 weeks. I would spin when I laid down or sat up, and feel nauseous all day. I would have a few days to a week or two being fine and then another 2 week stint. I did not realize it was the drug until I forgot to take it a few days and felt fine. I also had pain in my knees. I stopped taking it and vertigo and pain in my knees are gone!