Theophylline (theophylline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Theophylline (theophylline)

Have taken this med for years. Really helps my asthma--it's affordable, effective.

constant need to urinate (only for the first few days)

THEOPHYLLINE (THEOPHYLLINE): Theophylline is used to treat lung diseases such as asthma and COPD (bronchitis, emphysema). It must be used regularly to prevent wheezing and shortness of breath. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as xanthines. It works in the airways by relaxing muscles, opening breathing passages, and decreasing the lungs' response to irritants. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden breathing problems. If sudden shortness of breath occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The worst pain I've ever had in back and ribs since 17th of this month. I'd rather be in constant labour. Bin the stuff. They're good at dishing it out but tell you it will only make you feel a bit sick - more like sucicidal. This is sheer hell. God help all of you feeling as I do.

Did not completely clear my system even though I completed the entire jug, docelux and reglan both times. Now I have to do it all over again.

I took this as an add-on to Zoloft 50 mg to help with its sexual side effects. I don't think it really helped with the sexual side effects of Zoloft and made it slightly worse given it increased performance anxiety. I feel good on the Zoloft alone and think maybe the increase in dopamine and norepinephrine is not what I needed, which is what Wellbutrin does. I suspect it would be best for those with lower energy from depression given it was pretty stimulating for me. Zoloft Wellbutrin was not a good combo for me. I was on Zoloft for 6 months prior before adding Wellbutrin. Maybe it would be better alone than as an add-on to a SSRI.

Prozac severely changed my brain chemistry. At only 10mg, it made me extremely manic and I had to take tranquilizers for several weeks to come down from the mania, even though I was on prozac for only 10 days. It has now been over a month since I stopped taking the prozac and my depression is gone but has been replaced by a mood disorder that was triggered by prozac. If you have any risk for bipolar disorder DO NOT take anti-depressants. My shrink knew that I have bipolar family members, but prescribed prozac anyway without warning me that it could trigger bipolar disorder.

I have had no noticeable side effects from this drug.

Administered at my Dr's office. I will not get the second shot.

Heartburn at night, mild headache all day, face flushing, some palpitations all began after few days on drug. On 9th day, leg and ankle swelling. Stopped taking immediately.This drug made me feel terrible.

aggitation, crying for no reason, moodiness, road rage, lack of interest, anger. I feel like I might hurt someone who loves me.

side effects go away after a couple of weeks, hang in there! paxil cr does work somewhat at releaving panic attacks but regular paxil seems to work better(was on the regular for 3 yrs) have a dr.'s appt. soon asking him to switch me back to regular paxil.

I had to end up going to the ER and getting admitted into the hospital. They said that my blood levels were so elevated due to the Zocor that I was taken off right away and had my body flushed with fluids via IV. It was a terrible experience. They said that I have possibly had damage done to my kidneys and liver as well. This is a bad medication and I don't recommend it.