Theo-24 (theophylline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Theo-24 (theophylline)

I could not sleep. I was up until 3.30 am

THEO-24 (THEOPHYLLINE): Theophylline is used to treat lung diseases such as asthma and COPD (bronchitis, emphysema). It must be used regularly to prevent wheezing and shortness of breath. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as xanthines. It works in the airways by relaxing muscles, opening breathing passages, and decreasing the lungs' response to irritants. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden breathing problems. If sudden shortness of breath occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

A little tired but nothing compared to most of the posts

I was on this for 9 months. Liked almost everything about it. Periods were very predictable and not very heavy. I'm trying out a new one to help with the mood swings, but I may go back if it causes any other problems. Good BC overall!

Initial mild spotting; some cramping if I forget to take it.

Erythromycin contains an agent that makes the muscles in your digestive system contract. I guess that explains reported feelings of hunger, contractions, severe pain, etc. It's not a first line drug because it does have this effect. In my case, the effects were minor and THE DRUG DID ITS JOB--it completely knocked out my sinus infection's pain and fever within 12 hours of the first dose. I was told to take it with a meal to prevent nausea, and that seems to have mostly worked. I've been carrying small loaves of French bread with me and nibbling on them to ease hunger without losing my appetite. If you're reading the reviews and feeling concerned, I'd have to say, Don't be afraid to take this pill. If you get unbearable pain, stop taking it and ask for an alternative.

I think that if more Doctors got educated thoroughly on this drug it would be helpful to those of us who are ready to give up. We need more information. More studies and support. The symptoms of usual drugs vs Viibryd are different and so sometimes the patients needs. But it's hard to find a practicioner who really gets the drug!

I woke up on Saturday and I could not walk in a straight line and could not function. I called the on call doctor and he told me to stop taking it and take 1/2 pill twice a day on Sunday. Monday I took 1/2 pill in the morning and I was cold and then discovered I was weak. I called the doctor. He told me to stop taking it and call my doctor tomorrow. My doctor was not in.

Two months ago I was started on 20 mg of prilosec twice daily for one month, then decreased to daily for difficulty swallowing, that my MD insisted was gerd. shortley after I began having ringing in my ears, headaches numbness and tingling and weakness in my legs and palpitaions I have been to ER multiple times ,everything normal, my Md said I am having anxiety attacks. Last week I noticed a sudden increase in the weakness in my legs then I woke up in the middle of the night with severe dizziness, profuse sweating, body tingling all over and palpitations, I thought I was having a stroke, when I got out of bed, my arms ,legs and body were jerking uncontrolaby, I managed to drive myself to the ER, the Md was extremely concerned, they did a head CT which was normal, again all the tests were normal, they referred me to a neurologist, that was two days ago and now my muscles are so tense, I feel like I am coming out of my skin!!, I feel like I am going crazy, these symptons are not in my mind I have been on the internetf or the past two days trying to figure out what it might be, then this morning something made me look up prilosec side effects, I am in total shock after reading all the postings, I am going to stop the prilosec immediately and am hoping that the symptons will go away, also my MD never told me to limit the time taking prilosec in fact she recently told me to increase to two times a day as it has not helped my swallowing.

After surgery I was taking 30mg 3x daily until end of second month when I cut back to 30mg 2x daily. I recently (at month 5, week ago) cut back to 15mg 2x daily. Still using stool softeners and laxatives. Very important to drink lots (more than normal) of water to keep the body hydrated.

I appreciate how easy this is to take and that it makes my period almost so light I don't get one.

I would reccomend at least trying this medication. I almost didn't when i was reading posts on this website but i'm glad I did. Medication reacts differently to each and every person. If you have a problem with bi-polar the pros may greatly outway the cons. Good luck to everyone struggling. I know that this disorder is a bitch =)