Tetrabenazine (tetrabenazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tetrabenazine (tetrabenazine)

sleepiness and poor balance occasionally but really worked for chorea which I sustained by my brain injury without this medication I would not be able to sit or stand properly it worked for me

expensive medication occasionally gp don't really want to prescribe it and want you to try a alternative

Changed the dyskinesia from a licking of lips to continual clacking of teeth.

Very, very expensive. No real help available to pay for it. My insurance company paid over $7,000 for 30 day supply. My co pay was $300 monthly. It didn’t stop the TD

TETRABENAZINE (TETRABENAZINE): Tetrabenazine is used to decrease the uncontrollable movements (chorea) caused by Huntington's disease. However, it is not a cure for the disease. Reducing the chorea will help you take part in more of your normal daily activities. This medication is thought to work by decreasing the amount of certain natural substances in the brain (monoamines such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine), which are involved with nerve and muscle function. Tetrabenazine belongs to a class of drugs called monoamine depletors. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Hair Loss. Just discovered thru ENT Dr. that I have Menier's disease: includes vertigo, ears ringing,hearing loss. My hearing is loss of words, tones,not volume. This cannot be fixed with hearing aid. Once brain cells dead, brain replaces loss of sound by the ringing. I was told to get Walmart water sound machine, sleep under fan so can go to sleep. Glad to see this site. Could not imagine why ear problem or hair?

negatives--dry mouth, decreased appetite-weight loss of 30 lbs, light-headedness, blackouts, vertigo, vomiting, diarrhea, comPLETE and TOTAL loss of libido, slow verbalization, memory impairment, extreme hand tremors, heart palpitations, hair loss, drug-induced acne, blurred vision, increased irritability, and periods of fever, over-sweating, chills, tremors, nausea, and vomitingpositives--significantly less severe mood swings

I do not recomend this drug ask for soomething else I knew I could not take it I got it by mistake because I did not recognize the Generic name. Still have UTI!

Very happy! I’m doing much better!

panic attacks, agoraphobia, headaches, memory loss, muscle cramps

Absolutely wonderful drug. I have been depressed all my life. Started on imipramine at 27. Always gave me big orgasms and all anxiety, social phobia went away. Weaned myself off and tried the new Ssri's. None of them worked. They stopped the depression but ALL caused insomnia and loss of libido, not to mention not being able to orgasm. SSRI's will kill you sleep and your sex life. I hate them. Doctors push for you to go on them but that's only because of the kickbacks they get. I will never take them again you may be less depressed but your relationship and sleep will suffer. Not worth it in my book. I went back onI imprimine at 55 and there was no weight gain, depression, and anxiety. I slept as soon as I hit the pillow. My sex life is wonderful and orgasms have returned normally with the added bonus of them being big. Lucky me😀Take what works for you.

Benadryl works about the same or better.

Dr. agreed to switch me to Plavix today, Hopefully Brilinta works for you, it sure didn't for me.

I was prescribed 500mg twice a day for BV and the major side effect for me was the horrible taste, but that did not last long after taking it. The only other side effect were minor hot flashes and definitely feeling tired within 1-2 hours of taking the pill. To mask the horrible taste I ate yogurt and usually a probiotic drink (Dan Active). I personally suggest eating yogurt with L. Acidophilus to minimize the risk of ddeveloping a yeast infection while taking any antibiotic. I personally think drinking a probiotic drink will also minimize the risk of GI troubles (coats your stomach too).Reading about everyone's troubles with this drug led me to call my doctor and see if there was an alternative I could take -- the other issue for me was not being able to drink alcohol -- and he prescribed me Clindesse vaginal cream. It is applied once vaginally and clears up the BV. You don't need to abstain from alcohol (BIG PLUS!) and you avoid worrying all the crazy side effects from the

wouldn't recommend for someone with anxiety it will make you worse and will take a long time just to for it to come out of your system