Testosterone enanthate and estradiol valerate (estradiol valerate; testosterone enanthate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Testosterone enanthate and estradiol valerate (estradiol valerate; testosterone enanthate)

Works wonders. If you have panic attacks or depression check your testosterone levels. this works.Problems - more body hair, hair loss -on head. oily skin.Pros more body tone. No depression or panic

Side Effects fortestosterone enanthate and estradiol valerate (estradiol valerate; testosterone enanthate) - User Comments


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Brain fog, exhaution, thinning hair, very dry skin, moodiness

I see that a lot of people started itching and got a rash I really hope this doesnt happen to me. Iv been taking 300 mg of wellbutrin for almost two weeks. Its working very slowly I dont like that I have to pee every few minutes, or the twitchy like feeling. Other than that its ok. I say after a month I'll know if its good for me. I have no desire to eat had to make myself eat today was full off of half a sandwich. Gives me more energy atleast I can get through the day now. It bothers me when I'm lonely now never did until I started taking this medicine thats the only thing that makes me sad. And my mouth is dry its not really bad but I have to keep putting on lipgloss and drinking something I wake up like I'm dehydrated.

Weight gain; moon or swollen face; bloated stomach

I resisted going on morphine, but years of anti-inflammatory medication, Tylenol with codeine 3, and Vicodin for nerve pain caused severe acid reflux and a bleeding ulcer. The ulcer healed after a few months of medication, but I will have the reflux for life. I was put on morphine on the theory that I could take less of it to get the same effect. I have been on morphine for seven years. At first I took only 1/4 tablet a few times a week for flares; and it would put me OUT. My spine steadily worsened; I am now on a maintenance dose of 15 mg ER/2X day. I would have no life at all without morphine and a very limited life with it. I have had some extremely severe flares of pain from my spine and trigeminal nerve pain, during which I doubled the dose I was taking and still had severe pain. I went back down to my maintenance dose as soon as possible. At 15 mg/2X day, I have no significant side effects. I have some concentration problems at times, but I have that with severe pain as well. I drink lots of water and eat a high fiber diet; and that keeps things moving. At double this dose, I have dry mouth, constant thirst, loss of taste, loss of appetite, constipation, cognitive problems, and apathy. So my feeling about morphine is that it can be a good solution, depending on your situation and how much you take. I am definitely acclimated or addicted, whatever you want to call it. But once you have a certain level of pain, it's not as though there's a choice.

Migraines for 11 days, disconnected feeling for 10 days, awful stomach pain (still ongoing)

i had so many side affects that all of them couldn't be listed but here are the worse: short and long term memory problems,problems with weight,no concentration,vision,reading,very impulsive which isn't like me.irritable as well which isn't my charater,made my seizures worse,i felt like that my brain was cottage cheese-nothing there.

overall I feel much better and do not let things bother me as much.

my d.r. told me it would help pms

will go off it if I don't feel any better in the morning.I'll let you know the outcome in a few days.

I just finished the first two weeks of Paxil CR, I was on the 25mg dose the first 10 days but my blood pressure and pulse had gotten kind of low so my doctor reduced it to 12.5mg and that seems to be a better dose for me. Low doses of meds always seem to do better for me. My anxiety level is improving daily and I am ecstatic about that. I wish I had tried this ages ago. I know this med can have bad withdrawal symptoms but, to me, living with anxiety every day of my life is it's own special kind of hell and I am glad this medicine can help me. Nothing so far has helped this much, this early on. Also, my doctor had me taking this in the evening because it can be sedating but that feeling went away and I had to start taking it in the morning or I can't sleep well.