Tenuate (diethylpropion hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tenuate (diethylpropion hydrochloride)

Natural energy, strong concentration, no appetite. It helped me lose 12lbs in 6 days (with 2 days of fasting before my clean eating diet).

Side Effects fortenuate (diethylpropion hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Generalized aches with flu like symptoms and general malaise and nausea. Headaches and increased joint pain and muscle cramps. Increased sweating and poor sleep. Decreased energy and exercise intolerance. I just didn't feel good or right.

Took a few days to get used to my new personality but both I and my husband like it a lot. I experience normal emotions and empathy which I never really did before. A lifesaver.

Fairly large amount of breakthrough bleeding, that's it.

Bad stomach ache..sore muscles..dizziness...boating....bad bad medication...on it for more than year ..... Reported it reported to my Dr.until I refuse to take any more.

This drug has worked wonders for me. I'm still having some anxiety at 50 mg but nothing like before. I might go up to 100 mg and see if that doesn't help. I was having severe panic attacks and couldn't function anymore. Now I'm able to better enjoy life and I can actually talk to people now without getting nervous. Things that used to freak me out before don't freak me out now. I'm so thankful for this drug. My doctor also wants me to try counseling too. I definitely recommend this drug.

Lamictal has worked very well for me. I have maintained a low dose of 150mg per day, so im still a little up and down, so i have a chance to learn to control myself. my depression is so much better and my thoughts less racy.

None when only taking pulmicort. If albuterol is used in conjuction with pulimort there are noticible side effects including trebling hands and hyperactivity.

within a few hours of taking my first dose I developed a fever of 102 and had severe chills. I developed cramping in my legs so that I couldn't stand up for more than 5 seconds without collapsing. After the second dose I developed a severe headache. I had pain around my lungs in front and back every time I breathed. Had very little urine output despite drinking a lot. Was sleep deprived, yet couldn't fall asleep for hours. Glad it occurred to me that the leg cramps might be an allergic reaction before I took anymore. Did some research online and found all these symptoms were related to bactrim. called my dr. who told me to stop taking it. It's been 13 hours since my last dose and I'm already feeling better.

hives and rash, intense itching on body trunk, coughing spells

nausea, diarhea, insomnia, metallic taste in mouth