Tencon (acetaminophen; butalbital) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tencon (acetaminophen; butalbital)

The only medicine that help me with my migraines.

TENCON (ACETAMINOPHEN; BUTALBITAL): This combination medication is used to treat tension headaches. Acetaminophen helps to decrease the pain from the headache. Butalbital is a sedative that helps to decrease anxiety and cause sleepiness and relaxation. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Using nasal formula. Second time to use in my life. First was after car accident 12 yrs ago. Now it's for spinal degeneration pain including a cyst on my cord, multiple disc pathology, sciatic pain, "significant" stenosis, etc, etc, etc. So far, I've gotten ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from this drug. Almost zero discernable pain relief. Years ago it made me all loopy and silly and giggly, and completely unaware of my pain. Now it's only like I've taken a unisom or benadryl from over the couter (FIVE nasal sniffs in 3.5 hours). NOTHING. Back and hip still hurting the same, still limping, pain still stabbing me in the groin and butt cheek. I'm just sleepy, like it's been a long day. No euphoria or silliness or lightheadedness, just a horrible taste in my throat that ruined my dinner, and heavy eyelids, and not in "a good way". So anyone seeking pain relief, or especially "drug fun," should look elsewhere. This drug is too tiny, too fricken hard to come by, and it's not worth all the bullshit you have to go through to get it for this little pain relief and only a set of heavy eyelids that a long, hot shower could give you for a lot less money.

impetigo (possibly caused by mrsa)

Cipro is a nightmare drug. Why does the FDA continuously allow us to be poisoned by dangerous drugs and food additives (aspartame, sucralose/Splenda, MSG, nitrites, sulfites... and on and on and on)?? Please see www.ewg.org and www.mercola.com for more info.

I did experience side effects BUT they vanished after about a month and a half..maybe even 2 months. You just have to stick it out. I had slight acne, nausea, and head aches.

I've become irritated, sore muscles, tired, ifeel that I'm fighting low blood sugar, possible some confusion

9 months ago I thought this drug was a miracle! I was loving it! I was started out at at 15mg, I plateaued so I was increased to 30mg, again, I plateaued. So My pdoc put me up to 45mg and the 60mg. At 60 and 45mg I had rapid heartbeat and extreme panic attack. Ended up seeing a Cardiologist (came up inconclusive). So I am back down to 30 mg. I want off this med, I've gone up 3 dress sizes in 8 months. More depressed about that.

chest tight, dry hacking cough, sleepiness, bouts of difficulty swallowing, chills and sore throat, general malaise.

I just am glad I didnt have some of the really bad side effects that I read about on this site.

I am a VERY active 42-year-old. Part of my weekly routine includes running, cycling, ultimate frisbee. A few weeks after beginning Fosamax, I started getting the bone pain - not in the muscles. It hurt to run - I couldn't keep up. The pain increased, and I didn't tie it to the medicine at first. I thought maybe I was pushing my body too hard, so I let up a little. That wasn't the problem - the pain just increased. I went from a healthy athletic woman to limping and unable to walk down stairs without holding the railing and taking them one step at a time.So, after taking this for only 2 months, I'm stopping. I hope I can return to

Initially: some dry mouth, insomnia, and hard time staying asleep.