Temodar (temozolomide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Temodar (temozolomide)

Nausea and vomiting unless I take Zofran and Compazine within the hour of ingesting. Muscle Cramps.

some dizzyness - seems to affect balance - read that pt shouldn't drive while on temodar. nausea controlled by kytril and adivan, works very well. mouth sores, use nysatin, works very well.

I am post brain surgery and cyberknife radiation. I am on my 3rd round of temodar. From what I understand, temodar has not been proven to work for brain mets from breast cancer. My oncoclogist seems to feel that there have been some good results in the past. I have an MRI follow up every two months and just had my 3rd follow up with no new tumor growth nor residual tumor growth at the surgical site. I am also on CMF Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and Fluorouracil one week on two weeks off and Zometa once a month. Temodar round is 300 mg 5 days on 23 days off. It's too early to tell if the Temodar is helping.

Anaplastic Astrocytoma Brain Tumor

Nausea controlled well by anti nausea meds

Many small side effects. The big one was Constipation. Extreme constipation.

Easy to take, careful with the Zofran to avoid nausea.

nauseau, easily controlled with Kytril 30 minutes before taking. Fatigue. Delayed level 4 toxicity - platelets and WBC crashed around week 7/8. Intermittent decreased appetite. Constipation. Change in hair texture.

It was easy to take orally at home. Tumor showed above average regression after 2 rounds but then began growing through the Temodar in 3rd month. Toxicity was the same on standard dose as well as daily.

Large brain tumor right temporal removed surgically, then 6000gys of radiation thenTook Temodar 470mg per day 5 continous days per month x 3years and half then temodar was reduced to 400mg per day 5 continous days per month due to tiredness, no sign of recurrence so we are not stopping treatment as long as I can take it. This is acting as a preventative treatment since there is no cure to Glioblastoma Multiforme, but the beast has not recurred so it might be working. I have no deficit and doing well

Side Effects fortemodar (temozolomide) - User Comments


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high dose used. side-effects persisted more than one week after stopping, still unresolved as yet.

Tasted bad going down: worse coming up! Extreme nausea, have had trouble keeping it down at all. Feeling slightly 'down' but not serious, pins and needles, achy legs, chest pain, headaches...hope the damn thing works!

First Dose widespread full body painSecond Dose widespread full body pain and above mentioned lists of Injury and ongoing conditions,neurological problems

dizziness, mood swings, outbursts of anger, loss of appetite, homicidal thoughts, increased libido