Telmisartan and amlodipine (amlodipine besylate; telmisartan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Telmisartan and amlodipine (amlodipine besylate; telmisartan)

Side Effects fortelmisartan and amlodipine (amlodipine besylate; telmisartan) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

weight gain, around middle, cant get rid of.Constantly tired. hair loss. Aching knees. Constantly thirsty. Constantly urinating. VERY difficult to get to sleep, then cant sleep more than a few hours.Really, just about all of the symptoms I've read on this site!

anxiety/ depression/ odd phobias

Good stabilizer but in a small set of people it can cause kidney problems.

I was active person until taking this drug

serious insomniabloating, gas, serious diarrhea after chnaging to 60mg.

My son has severe allergies in the spring so he was taking Allegra as advised by his pediatrician. He became moodier and moodier - more and more irritated, depressed, anxious, and angry. It caused a lot of problems for him.

What a mistake. I had to watch my daughter all night as she was screaming in her sleep.

SEVERE Lethargy (could sleep 10 hours, get up and eat then sleep 6 more), constant yawning,word loss. While the med did help get me through the most severe portion of my depression I was in physical pain if I missed a single dose. My head felt so odd. I can't put it into words. Add in nausea and irritability. I feel I was kept on this med much too long. I do need 'long term management' but this is a hard core SSRI. I just started taking Celexa and feel much better - awake!

Was given 20 and spread it out over 5 days. It did stop the pain after about an hour. Sometimes made me foggy, sometimes not. By the 4th day was starting to get irritable, moody, and tired. I would get angry over something stupid and then take a nap for 3 hours.

2kids.Never took any form of contraception until i hit age 34.combination pills i could not bare so i tried depo Fam & it worked like a charm for 1 shot dose 3months lasted me 6months worry free very active sexlife.thinking about having another shot now that Aunt Flow is back on 7th month.loved the no bleeding side effect! Baby dust to those wanting BFP 💝