Tekturna hct (aliskiren hemifumarate; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tekturna hct (aliskiren hemifumarate; hydrochlorothiazide)

Throat irritation...especially at night. Leg pain. I take trace minerals as this med seems to remove trace minerals from body and muscles.

headache,neck pain,lower back,leg and foot pain,SEVEREdiarrhea, trouble breathing, throat irritation and cough,excess gas and acid, pain across my upper chest.Problems after sesation of med

This med nearly destroyed my nervous system which caused diarrhea,leg pains, lower back pain etc. Not recommendedMy blood pressure was controlled at great cost and the problems linger

TEKTURNA HCT (ALISKIREN HEMIFUMARATE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This product is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: aliskiren and hydrochlorothiazide. Aliskiren works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. It belongs to a class of drugs known as direct renin inhibitors. Hydrochlorothiazide causes your body to get rid of extra salt and water by making more urine. It is called a "water pill" or diuretic. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Doctors need to be informed about these horrific side effects of these heartburn medications before prescribing them ! And their patients as well before starting them as a daily medication so they can decide to take the risk or not ( especially mentall health patients like myself !!) They have destroyed my quality of life over the last 6 months with no warnings or possibilities of what could happen. There should be a lawsuit against these companies and the doctors for their part in destroying my life !

The first few days on Provigil were amazing. The obvious contrast in alertness and wakefulness was a real eye-opener (no pun intended.) Before taking Provigil, I'd come home from work and literally crash on the couch for 45 minutes or more. Trying to wake up in the morning was near-impossible. I'd stagger around in a sleepy haze for an hour or more. I was late for work most days. I had zero concentration and yawned my way through most of the day. Now though, I'm a totally different me. Alert, awake, productive, I've regained my self-confidence, sense of humour, and interest in socialising after work. I realise that the drug only take you so far and then your own attitude/personality takes you the rest, but Provigil certainly got me over the hump so that I could get my life back on track.

psychotic depression/maybe bipolar

first few days was horrible! i had insomnia and weird dreams which was terrible. my suicidal thoughts increased severely and i felt nausea, sick and so surreal. My sex drive decreased dramatically. Also on the third day i experienced dilated pupils which was strange but that went away 2 days later. After a week though the side effects have decreased however my mind still feels a little strange, but my sex drive have come back! yay!

Terrible gi symptoms, gas, bloating, muscle aches and not feeling like doing anything. I haven't gained weight in a year, but my body fat percetage jumped 5 percent

I stopped taking the med after 9 months ONLY because it decreased my sexual drive and even when I did have sex, I couldn't have an orgasm. It's unfortunate because Paxil was WONDERFUL for my anxiety disorder but intimacy is an important aspect of life too. BEWARE: Don't stop this drug cold turkey!

Used gum to stop chewing tobacco that I previously used to stop smoking. Gum was great. No need to spit as w/ chewing tobacco. Could even chew gum at work. Now I could feed the nicotine habit during all waking hrs of the day! I got to the point I preferred gum to chewing tobacco or smoking. Initially felt better on gum than chew... Started using gum almost non-stop 5 years ago. Consumed 10 pieces 4mg per day, some days up to 20. Started to experience heavy palipations (heart pounding) at night and lack of cardio. Shortness of breath when climbing stairs and occaisional chest pain/fullness. Quit cold turkey 2 months ago. Used Stride spearmint gum 1st couple days. Very cranky at first. Used will power and refused to relapse after first couple days. Since quitting have had some more chest fullness and esophogus pain/discomfort. Visited DR and ER due to chest pain/dizzyness.

An incredibly stupid steroid to take. Yes, the gains are great, but...as soon as they come, they go. Moreover, the androgenic side effects from Anadrol are absolutely horrible: instant hair loss for those prone to male pattern baldness, severe acne (often leading to scarring), oily skin, and liver danger.

The doctor prescribed Nasonex to help the inflammation in my eustachian tubes. My ears still feel "clogged," only now I have additional misery from side effects! I just called my doctor's office and told them I don't wish to continue taking this drug.

TERRIBLE stomach cramps,Nausea,Tingling on left side down arm and fingers,Headache,backache HORRIBLE!