Targretin (bexarotene) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Targretin (bexarotene)

uncontrollable migraine headaches, severely raised cholesterol, stomach pain, loss of sexual activity

I was also told I might not ever be able to have kids after taking this, when I took this, it was still in the test stages and I had to sign a waiver, it helped clear the psoriasis, but it is not worth it at all.

TARGRETIN (BEXAROTENE): Bexarotene is used to treat skin problems from a certain type of cancer (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-CTCL). It works by slowing or stopping the growth of these cancer cells. Bexarotene belongs to a class of drugs called retinoids (drugs related to vitamin A). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

The hairloss was hard enough to deal with but the acne and moodswings are not worth it.

This medication is horrible! I was taking it for GERD (like i have in the past...except i took a white pill before... i didnt get any side effects and it healed me) now, I got the pink pills and they have absolutely made me far worse than i ever was. I have severe, watery diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, floating sensations, intense gas, and shaking. I just want to get better. I feel so awful. This pink carafate pill has ruined my life :''(

Dull headache, Nausea, mild dizziness - and inability to concentrate. Muscle ache and joint pain, mostly in neck, legs and knees. Now arms. Skin itches - starting from feet, then legs and now arms. I just stopped after realizing these are side effects from Allegra. Didn't think it was from the drug because I have occasionally took it in the past year and did not remember getting any side effects.

No side effects. Not tired in the mornings.

Depression, Anxiety, Disorientation

very good drug which can be abused very easily. i take it as my doctor perscribes it. i have a stressful life so i need it. i know it's not meant for long term use originally but it turned out that way and in no way have i abused it. the reason i give it a four and not a five is because it's not a miracle drug but an effective one.

I tried it twice and had to go off of it both times. A friend's daughter was put on it for hbp and within 24 hrs. was in the E.R. with arrythmia of her heart.

Do not go on this pill if you want to keep your hair. I wrote to Bayer about the side effect of hair loss and they acknowledge it but that's it. Would not be on the market if this was a product for men!

The biggest problem I find is with constipation. However, that is relieved with OTC stool softeners and laxatives.

The first couple of weeks I had a hard time sleeping, but that went away. Extremely difficult to ejaculate. Disturbing dreams. Become extremely agitated with slower people. Anger outbursts. Harder to write or draw than before. Less social.