Tamsulosin hydrochloride (tamsulosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tamsulosin hydrochloride (tamsulosin hydrochloride)

Side Effects fortamsulosin hydrochloride (tamsulosin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I have been taking effexor for 3 months now. Have put on 20LBs despite intense exercise and dieting. I experience intense headaches, nausea, lack of energy. I am also having trouble raising my heart rate durring exercise bouts. I am indifferent to things which used to concern me. I am still very nervous, anxious, and depressed. However, I just dont really care how people percieve me anymore.

Ok, all these symptoms are from day 1. I hope it gets better. Within 1 hour of taking this drug, I immediately wanted to go to sleep, and I was driving! The fatigue lasted all day and it was twice as bad as it normally was. I felt like I was on a downer all day. I am usually a fast mover and I moved like a snail all day long. I didn't even care though. If I tried to talk to someone, I would get winded and funny feeling (especially if I was talking fast). I am normally not clumsy and dropped everything all day long. Within 2 hrs of taking drug, I developed sinus issues. Hope this gets better, if not then this is def. not for me. Oh yeah, I also found myslef talking all day....to myself! Weird for me. I also couldn't focus when trying to do work and would forget what I was saying constantly.

I feel very relieved that the nitroglycerin sublingual spray works so quickly for me. It has prevented heart attacks so far. I also use the nitroglycerin transdermal patch which seems to help prevent attacks during the night for me.

Soreness (especially using the bathroom), Redness

rapid heartbeat, feeling dizzy/swoony. No desire for food. my dream state and waking state seem to blend - I wake from dreams and not sure they happened or I dreamed them.

is this medicine sopouse to help my numnise in my hands

This drug has ruined my life. Was prescribed it to worry less and help with sleeping.Took 20mg and had instant adverse reaction. It actually gave me insomnia where I couldn't get a seconds sleep. Also gave me tremors, twitches, high BP, racing pulse, anxiety, extreme irritability, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, either hot or freezing and weight loss. And this was one pill. Impossible, right? Well it happened and the worst part is this was months ago and the symptoms are still here and getting worse as time goes on. Hate this drug, imo it should never have made it to market.

Weight gain and horrific nightmares. Did not like it.

minor intestinal discomfort at start, after 7 days flu-like symptoms for two days, then at 10 days severe back ache and pain in muscles in buttocks and back of thighs making it impossible to sleep (lasted 2 days), then at 20 days more flue like symptoms (102 fever, headache, weak) and finally stopped taking it day 21 when I got hives everywhere, have had hives for two days now since stopping. Benadryl helped with the itching, but hives remain.

Not nearly as effective as the regular immediate release xanax. If you took that before taking xr, get ready for horrible panic attacks again unless they put you on double your old xanax dose.