Tamoxifen citrate (tamoxifen citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tamoxifen citrate (tamoxifen citrate)

Joint pain!! Weight gain, decrease in energy. I would do it again. My oncologist just told me to stop, d/t thickening of endometrium. Would not change a thing. It prevented cancer from coming back, so am ok with that. Let's see how life goes after stopping it.

Are you kidding me?? I feel like I'm 110 yrs old. I can't even get out of a chair. Stopped it.

Nothing initially.Later stage unexplained weight gain.

Had no problems with this drug. I took it at night before bed.Around the end of my 3rd year, I noticed my weight was slowly creeping up. Checked my diet, increased my exercise.. still kept gaining. Have gained a total of 30lbs in 2 yrs.I have just stopped taking it, so maybe by 2018, those 30lbs will be gone (I hope)!

At beginning - fatigue, emotional fluctuations, hot flashes, breakthrough vaginal bleeding. After a year, this all calmed down. Am taking a second medication for hot flashes that works wonders!

At first, this medication will mess with your hormones (because it suppresses estrogen) and that's why you'll experience a type of menopausal response to it. But now after 6 years, the only "side effect" is not having periods anymore and a little bit of hair loss (not enough to worry about). My dr. has been monitoring me and we plan on me staying on it for another 4 years. Gabapentin is what I am taking for hot flashes (300 mg three times a day) and it's working very well for me, since that was the one side effect that really bothered me.

I was just taken off anastrozole for 2 years I was just recently switched to tamoxifen.. I was wondering has anyone else been switched for one to the other? I've had had horrible side affects from the anastrozole everything hurts, some mornings I cant even move around right away.. I'm terrified to even start the tamoxifen from the reviews.. if someone could let me know something I would really appreciate it!!!

Body and bone aches, weight gain, leg cramps

couldnt sleep hot flashes night sweats joint pain weight gain - oncologist changed me to arimidex - for 7 weeks my life disappeared joint pain was so extreme could not hold a pen and write for any longer than two minutes, dropped mugs ,couldn't dress myself, back on tamoxifen thank goodness will work with the side effects. having ovaries etc removed as have brca 2 gene. there must be a better way of positive therapy for breast cancer we just havnt found it yet!

Leg cramps at night; Joints hurting on waking every morning: nausea at the 2-3 week mark; muscle fatigue after short period of exercise; depression; crying daily; short temper

Not sure that I, or my family, can put up with these side-effects long term. Might extend my likelihood of for cancer not coming back, but at what personal price?

also on triptorelin trial for same time.Cramps,foot pain,bloating ,fatty liver,are some of them problems all built over that time.

Felt like a 80 yr old lady Drs have taken me off the trial early to put on Femara trial only been on it for 2 1/2 mths and will decide in the next week if I should go off it,Im in constant pain bone aches 24hrs I cannot function I thought Tamoxifen and Triptorelin was bad but my body cannot keep going in pain 24/7.Never new I could get that many cramps while on Tamoxifen its the only side effect that has improved have put on the weight lots of it and have lost over 2kg since have finished that med 4mths ago.Good luck girls we are all different in the way our bodies except these drugs.It worked for me as Im still here.

Have been taking tamoxifen for two and a half years. Worst side effects are hot flashes, weight gain, lack of energy, bone/muscle pain, leg swelling. Take glucosamine/condroitin/msm for bone pain, great results. Take meds for fluid retention as needed. Neurontin for hot flashes, great help but makes me dizzy and foggy some days. Take calcium and vitamin D.

Gave this med a 3 rating simply because of the side effects. I am assuming that it is helping. Diagnosed in '08. ERP. Chemo on clinical trial, surgery (bilateral mastectomy) and radiation. Difficulty losing the 25 lbs I have gained since start of this medication. Lack of energy also makes it hard to lose weight. Leg pain and swelling make it hard sometimes to walk for exercise. Stand for work, and have had to cut back on work schedule. I will try to finish out my recommended five year therapy plan.

Follow-up for DCIS breast cancer

I have a very sensitive nervous system. Tamoxifen totally aggravated my fibromyalgia. I felt like I had the flu 24/7; I had no energy and muscle aches. It made my varicose veins throb constantly. It also caused severe mood swings (mainly weepiness) and interfered with my ability to think straight. My hairdresser also noted that my hair was thinning. All of this happened after only 9 days!

My oncologist was very understanding and allowed me to come off of the medication. She felt that in my case, the risks outweighed the potential benefits.It took almost 3 weeks for the vein throbbing to cease.

TAMOXIFEN CITRATE (TAMOXIFEN CITRATE): Tamoxifen is used to treat breast cancer. It is also used to reduce the chances of breast cancer in high-risk patients. This medication can block the growth of breast cancer. It works by interfering with the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've had major panic attacks at night. Wake up from my sleep feeling like I can't breathe, disoriented, nauseous, chest pain. It was never consistent. Tonight I realized that the two recent times it occurred, I had taken my drops. I don't take them daily cause the other side effect was severe burning of the eyes. I seriously believe it's the drops that has caused my chest pain, breathing problems during the night.

i am taking 200 mg 3X's a day. I feel drunk, dizzy, exhausted, unmotivated, and have double vision. However, after telling my nurse my side effects, she said to take it vaginally and side effects might change. I have not done that.

EXTREME fatigue starting day 1. On day 4 today, still extreme fatigue, but today brought dry heaving (probably due to the lack of appetite, or else would have been vomiting). I have a general feeling of malaise. No fever, no rash. Site of MRSA absess looks great, the rest of me sucks.

I began to experience horrific nocturnal leg cramps. My Dr. and I tried several usual remedies, to no avail. I had some Some that I had taken for a previous back problem, so thought I'd give it a try. I take one at bedtime, and haven't had a cramp episode since. Told my Dr. and he said even though it's off label, if it works continue. Nothing else has ever even began to work.

Hydrochloride burn due to a retreat

Blurred vision, nausea, dizzy, tunnel effect, irritability, mood swings.

I have found this medicine to really work for me, but it takes a few weeks to really tell. The dizziness goes away with use too. I think it is worth trying to see if it will help because it isn't as hard to get off of as some of the other meds out there and side effects (at least for me) aren't bad.

did not make me sleepy at all. I took it and still was awake all night long

you miss one dose and you're violently ill, its been compared to a heroin with drawl. its AWFUL. if a drug is this painful to come off of it shouldn't be allowed on the market, PERIOD!

DECREASED SEX DRIVE, sporadic but severe depression, suicidal thoughts when depressed, mood swings