Tacrolimus (tacrolimus) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tacrolimus (tacrolimus)

Initially on higher doses, shaking and hallucinations post transplant.

Tolerated well after the first year.

Dry skin and some itching.Cold sores on lips while using, but continued use once/day.Now healed.

TACROLIMUS (TACROLIMUS): Tacrolimus is used with other medications to prevent rejection of a kidney, heart, or liver transplant. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started on Cozaar but it didn't achieve the desired BP level. Hyzaar has my BP at 120/80. I don't want to take meds for the rest of my life but can't tell if other options are better. I had an episode when my BP spiked to 190/120 and I felt terrible. That is when I started the meds. The meds works well for controling BP and I can't make a solid case for overwhelming negative side effects.

Lowered Tryglycerides from 750 to 300. Lowered Cholesterol from 265 to 230. This drug definitely works, but it is expensive. This stuff is literally Rx fish oil and I wonder whether over the counter fish oil would be equally beneficial. A benefit of this drug is has no adverse effects on liver function. I had to add lipitor to my treatment.

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SEVERE stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting

I've only been taking Diovan for about 30 days, so it may too early to rate. But, my bp dropped from 170/100 to 160/94 in that time frame. I'm taking 80 mg 1 x per day.Previously took Atenolol and Lotensin, had to go off those due to terrible effects like cough, weight gain, got really sick.

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