Symproic (naldemedine tosylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Symproic (naldemedine tosylate)

None, unsure if medication truly helps or if it's just other things I do such as excess water, miralax, healthy eating etc.

While not for everyone, it has helped me live a normal life while taking prescribed opiate medications. It is not for everyone for unknown reasons, and can have very bad side effects for some. But I have not noticed any significant issues after years of using. I always take with food at same time of day every day, and I do not take opiates within an hour of using, but I have taken both at once with no issues. I hope someone finds this helpful and finds relief with this medication, but personally I am concerned with long term use since it is a newer drug and some have very severe, sudden side effects that I don't understand why they don't happen to me.

Severe stomach pain, uncontrollable diarrhea, nausea

Severe stomach spasms, cramping, nausea,bloating,pain and no bowel movement for 2 to 3 days. When BM did happen it was pebbles.

SYMPROIC (NALDEMEDINE TOSYLATE): This medication is used to treat constipation caused by opioid (narcotic) medication. It blocks the effect of opioids on the gut without blocking the effect on pain. Naldemedine belongs to a class of medications known as opioid antagonists. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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