Symlin (pramlintide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Symlin (pramlintide acetate)

pain during insertion if skin isn't stretched around injection site before insertion

weight gain stopped due to satiety after eating with Symlin; blood sugar doesn't plummet after eating

SYMLIN (PRAMLINTIDE ACETATE): Pramlintide is used with mealtime insulin and a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is used when patients who are already using insulin need better blood sugar control. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Pramlintide acts like a certain natural substance called amyrin, which lowers blood sugar. This drug works by slowing the movement of food through your stomach. It also decreases your appetite and the amount of sugar your liver makes. Pramlintide does not replace insulin, but it may lower the amount of insulin you need. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I would not recommend this medication (life destroyer) for anyone not even my worst enemy. Do your utmost best to avoid having to take it as it will rob you of your life completely to the point that you won't remember what it felt like to be alive. If your unfortunate enough to have it forced on you then my only advice would be to remember that it isn't you making you feel this way (or lack thereof) it is the medication. And pray that you won't have to take it for the rest of your life. Also I would not recommend going cold turkey as you will have a relapse and will end up in hospital and possibly worse off then before. Just be compliant so the doctors can see you arnt being difficult or unwilling to help yourself. It will look better on you and will make the doctors more willing to reduce and eventually take you off it so do your best to do the right thing by yourself regardless of how much you don't want to take it. If your living this currently or are looking at the fact of having to take this drug then my best wishes to you for the future. Don't give up hope, keep pressing on and love yourself.God bless

I get nausiated after I eat, at first I thought this was all in my head. I don't want to eat, of course the welbutrin doesn't exactly make me ravenous. I eventually get tired of listening to my stomach growl. I get the hiccups more than normal. oh, and loose stools, thats an understatement. However, my after meal "crash" isn't as bad as it was even when I was staying away from carbs and sugars. I don't nod off at my desk after lunch anymore.

I wish I would have done much more research on this drug. I will never take this again. I took my last dose about 2 weeks ago and have been struggling with heart palpitations ever since. I have mitral valve prolapse, and this drug seems to have set off extreme heart palpitations. My doctor assured me this would be safe. To all people with Mitral Valve Prolapse, avoid this drug. Do not take it. I hope these palpitations stop soon. They are usually short lived for me, but after this drug they have lasted much longer and been much more extreme.

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It's the best medicine for me. I have been talking med for 30 years.

You know I just finished taking my bactrim after taking 2 pills a day for 10 days. I was on here checking out how long I can expect it to stay in my system as I am to start another medication for a YI. Yay, right.... LOL! Anyway, to get to the meat, these reviews were horrible! Sure I read the package and saw the side effects, but I never let that deter me. I took it right on time every day just like the instructions said, and I was completely cleared up within 2 days! Not to give the wrong impression, but if this is what peeing is supposed to feel like, count me in! Jeez! I haven't felt that good passing urine in YEARS! Maybe it's because I'm younger than some on here, but I think Bactrim is the best thing since sliced bread and it saddens me to see so many people having problems with it. Anyway, best of luck taking it. It really worked for me and if I ever have another UTI or bladder infection, you know what I'll be asking for. =)

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My 6 year old son had been on it since he was 18 months old. He has always been on the verge of either being angry or crying. I always thought it was just him. Until he got so mad he said he was going to kill himself. It caused me to google childhood depression and I found out about this problem with Singulair. I immediately stopped the drug. His pediatician said that there could be no link between the two. Within 2 weeks, his teacher sent home a note saying she didn't know what had changed but that he was a different boy in school. Happy, well-adjusted and making friends. He skips everywhere he goes and is happy, loving and obedient. It makes me so sad that I gave him this drug for 4 1/2 years and didn't even know what I was doing to him.