Symbyax (fluoxetine hydrochloride; olanzapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Symbyax (fluoxetine hydrochloride; olanzapine)

I had a great experience using symbyax, except for the weight gain. It works so quickly and at the point of giving up, my Dr. gave it to me because he knew I needed something and fast. It worked so well in just 3 days. I hated to stop taking it, but I had also gained about 25 pounds and knew I couldn't keep up that pace, but if I have a really bad week, I keep it on hand and take it for about two weeks, and it helps so much!!

Weight gain even when I didn’t eat that much. Low sex drive, paranoia, forgetfulness, exaggerated emotions, still suffering from depression

Not a fan. After 3 years - I had it. My whole life changed for the first year after it. But then like any medication, it wasn’t effective anymore. It ruined several relationships, and it completely ended having sex for me (both from weight gain, and decreased sex drive.) I don’t recommend it.

treatment-resistant depression

Tiredness, weight gain, low blood sugar episodes, hunger

This was the first medication that ever worked for my depression. It gave me motivation to pursue my hobbies again. The sleepiness was intense at first and I could NOT wake up unless I slept at least 8 to 10 hours, but that did go away after a couple weeks. I sleep really well on this medication. I actually quit taking it because I didn't like the low blood sugar episodes and risk of diabetes - which I'm at risk for already - or the insatiable hunger and weight gain. I tried Abilify and it was actually much worse. So I'm back on the Symbyax. I don't know if I'm going to develop diabetes or how long I'll be able to stay on this, but it really is the only thing that works.

Weight gain, increased appetite.

Other than the increased appetite and weight gain I loved this medication. It gave me energy to do things I haven't done for a long time. Like hiking, riding my bike, exercising etc. It made me happy and wanted to be around people again. I hated to stop taking it, but I had to because of the 30 pd weight gain which caused my blood pressure to go up. I wish so much I could have stayed on it.

Developed a rash, slept for almost two days straight. Medication made me extremely tired.

shaky feeling in arm and leg muscles, slightly lightheaded, heart feels like it's beating harder (not faster, but harder)

Helps my insomnia greatly! Anxiety is somewhat better after 3 days. I'm worried about the possiblity of facial tremors, which my doc said could show up in 20 years from now and supposedly increases with the amount of time one is on the drug...

sleepy, blurred vision, foggy headed, insatiable hunger, weight gain...

while the side effects arent fun to deal with (esp the weight gain) I slept very sound for the first time in years. At first I had a hard time getting up and going in the am but now I am up at at'em! I do feel I have a ton more energy and dont NEED a 2 hr midday nap anymore. I do have to take it at nite but it does make me sleepy initially. The depression and anxiety are completely GONE!! Overall I think it works well but I am concerned about the side effects of weight gain and high cholesterol...switching to Abilify next week....

tired, forgetful,confused, dizzy, always hungry but no weight gain, i hate it!!!!!!!

SYMBYAX (FLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE; OLANZAPINE): This medication is a combination of 2 drugs, olanzapine (an antipsychotic drug) and fluoxetine (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-SSRI). It is used to treat a certain type of mental/mood disorder (depression associated with bipolar disorder). It is also used to treat depression that has not responded to other medications. This medication may help you sleep, improve your mood, improve your concentration, and decrease nervousness. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters). Talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment (especially when used in teenagers). See also Precautions section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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