Sutent (sunitinib malate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sutent (sunitinib malate)

High blood pressure, anxiety, mouth and nose sores, reflux, insomnia, fatigue, nerve pain (hands), gray hair

Continues to keep me free from tumors. I had a life expectancy of five months and have managed to get through 39. My most recent scans show that I am stable.

SUTENT (SUNITINIB MALATE): This medication is used to treat certain types of cancer (kidney, pancreas, and intestinal). It is also used to treat people who are at high risk of the kidney cancer coming back again after having kidney surgery. Sunitinib works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer tumors. It also works by slowing the growth of new blood vessels within the tumor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Bad gas, no nightmares or appetite problems or loose stools. Worked almost after the first pill after severe sinus infection. After two days was good as new!

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