Suprax (cefixime) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Suprax (cefixime)

Light headedBlurred visionFeeling exhausted

Diarrhea after 3rd day, was managable with daily probiotics.

Worked wonderfully. My daughter gets UTIs chronically since age 4, and used to take Bactrim often until it became ineffective on her last infection. So this time she used Suprax, and it worked well. But it is soooo expensive! Cost me $250 for a 10 day supply. (But worth every penny to heal my "baby"!)

Unlike Macrobid (which caused horrible side effects), this drug simply cleared my UTI with no side effects and no hassle. Only 1 pill a day for 5 days! I call it 'super drug'. Highly recomended.

Fatigue, feeling wiped-out, feeling hot, espeicially in the face and arms, and feeling very light in my body and heavy in my head.

SUPRAX (CEFIXIME): Cefixime is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

About the worst side effect that I have is that after the medication kicks in, I start feeling light headed, but if I lay down and take a nap for about 45 min to a hour, I wake up without a migraine and feeling better overall.

I've had 2 shots of moderna.. I'm done with shots.. had enough

Made me more depressed and so tired and definitely more anxiety

I didnt experience really bad side effects while taking. Now that I finished Rx 4 days ago, I am feeling worse.

Do not take ! Flonase induced me into a panic attack which I never had & had my heart racing at 170 bpm. If you have to use it follow directions carefully & don't over use.

I'll just say that for me Robinul is everything I'd hoped it be. I am really completely dry now after suffering from extreme entire body (mostly face) sweating. Some of my work includes sales and I cab say that I am much more confident now that I do not have to sweat like a crazy person.I'll give a few pointers for use that I have learned:First, these pills dry up anything they touch including your tongue. So when taking them, get them as far back in your throat as possible to prevent them touching much of your tongue. This will significantly reduce dry mouth side effects.Second, if you feel like you need to go, do not hold it. This pill will relax your bladder and you won't feel the pain you normally would if you were holding it without the pill. This is important because holding it is not good for your bladder and can lead to side effects such as over active bladder etc...Dosage: I am a pretty big dude at 250 lbs, I find that 2 mg in the morning lasts for 11 hours, but takes about 2 to start working and gets stronger until about 6 hours at which it begins to level out and then diminish. This means I get about 9 hours of effective use and about 6 at full strength. If I take first thing in the morning I am covered for the work hours in the day and am happy. I think it will depend on the individual but this is what works for me.Stop waiting. Go see your doctor and see if Robinul can help. BTW I take the generic and it works great at only $10 for 30 1mg pill

Behavior problems, night terrors, sleep problems, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal, emotional breakdowns and this continues. She is 16!

Initially hot flushes, vaginal dryness etc. However once I started taking Kliovance (HRT) it counteracted all side effects. Bone density scan was also ok.

I'm on 1250mg of generic depakote & 300mg of gen. wellbutrin. How do you know which is helping/hurting more? I've been depressed/angry/paranoid all my life. I used to break into a sweat & throw things. Easily frustrated. Total rollercoaster. When I start to go there now, the brakes go on and after 30sec or so I'm calm again. There is a feeling of sedation. I've been feeling more lethargic recently and I need more sleep than I used to. It's a relief not to feel the constant anger every freakin' day. People aren't plotting against me. The itchy/flaky scalp(never a problem before)is really starting to give me OCD, though. I don't want to quit like I have in the past w/other meds. I'm going to try to deal w/the side effects. I just hope it doesn't screw up my liver.

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