Sumavel dosepro (sumatriptan succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sumavel dosepro (sumatriptan succinate)

Pain at injection site, with a little bleeding. That's it.

I'd had a migraine for days. Nothing was working for me. I finally remembered I had a sample of this. It was 2:30am, and thank God! By 2:45, my days long migraine was GONE! That's huge. I thought triptans weren't helpful for me. At least for now, I have something new to attack my migraines with and I'm feeling more hopeful.

Sudden or ongoing migraine headache

The shot is painful. Usually gives me a slight bruise and bleeds a bit. I immediately press on it and put on a BandAid. I get a small hive at injection site.Usually works on about 20 minutes but can take longer at other times.

Painful injection which causes swelling and a bruise. Have a quick "adrenalin" type rush feeling immediately. Migraine usually goes away within minutes. Amazing drug for sudden, intense migraine.

holy crap that stung lol. I watched a short demo video on the product and it said it was like a bee sting. yea maybe a big giant bee lol. outside of that the side effects are similar to sumatriptan. For me they are very mild flush feeling with maybe a quick cold sweat and moment of light nausea. most are barley noticeable.

Worked great and is the fastest relief i have used yet. Sumatriptan seems to take a few hours to kick in for me but these work in about a half hour or less. I dont use these regularly but had my doc right me a one month script of six just so i have them on hand for those times i really need relief fast. Paid for them out of pocket so as not to disrupt my regular script with my ins company, now THAT hurt lol.

Stinging at injection site is fairly intense, but only lasts a minute or so.Welt raises up from injection. Floaty, weak feeling lasts maybe 15-20 min.

Under most circumstances, headaches are gone within 20-30 minutes. This medicine has been a godsend! On one occasion where I didn't use the medicine until my headache was so bad that I was already vomiting, it took 2 injections to get it under control.

pain and swelling at injection site; sudden and intense nausea; sleepy and very, very weak all over for hours

It did finally take away pain in about 2 hours. I usually take the sumatriptan tablets and don't have such side effects.

Immediately made my headache worse.

SUMAVEL DOSEPRO (SUMATRIPTAN SUCCINATE): Sumatriptan is used to treat migraines and cluster headaches. It helps to relieve pain and other symptoms of migraines/headaches including sensitivity to light or sound, nausea, and vomiting. Prompt treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. It does not prevent future migraines/headaches or reduce how often you may get a headache. Sumatriptan belongs to a group of drugs called triptans. It affects a certain natural chemical (serotonin) that constricts blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain pathways in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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