Sulindac (sulindac) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sulindac (sulindac)

It was helping me despite the very low dose, but after a week the nausea became worse and I had to discontinue. I am sensitive to medication; it may help others.

This drug appears to have raised my pulse rate, both resting, and while exercising. It's usually around 75 while at rest, but it's more like 95 now. Also, my max heart rate while doing aerobic exercise has increased by approx. 10 bpm (175 vs. 165.Also, (I hope this isn't too much information!)my stool is turning yellow, which concerns me about my liver function. Yes, the pills are yellow, but they seem very small to be having that effect. If I end up having to take this medication for more than a month, I will ask for a liver function blood test.

I was diagnosed via MRI with a full thickness rotator cuff tear (no surgery yet, but the probability is likely).Although this medication did offer relief to the acute pain after my injury, I am very concerned by the warnings that come with this drug. The following are quotes from an information pamphlet given to me by the prescribing Dr.:1. The risk of Serious and sometimes fatal heart problems, heart attack and stroke may be increased with use of this medicine.2. Risk of serious and sometimes fatal stomach and bowel problems (bleeding and holes in the stomach/bowel)is increased while using this medicine.

It's a lifesaver for me. I have jaw, knee, and hand pain, and for me it's the difference between feeling like the tinman without oil vs. the tinman with oil. I worry what it's doing to my liver - I don't like being dependent on medication - but the help it gives me overrides the concern.

None however my doctor said I needed to stop because of my Lap Band, which is a weight loss device. He said this medicine would cause errosion to my band and stomach.

While taking this medicine I still had arthritis aches and pains but when I stopped taking it, my back got so stiff that I could not bend until about 4 hours after waking and then again late in the day it would get stiff again. These are typical arthritis signs. I didn't notice how well the drug worked until I had to get off of it. Was off a week before stiffness came about, was off another 5 days and I HAVE to go back. OTC meds do not work the same.

worked for the first month and quickly lost it's effectiveness

SULINDAC (SULINDAC): Sulindac is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. It is also used to treat arthritis of the spine, gouty arthritis, and shoulder bursitis/tendonitis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have used nuvaring in the past for about a year. It was excellent at preventing pregnancy. My lifestyle is different from when I used it the first time. I am more into fitness and health. I would not recommend this if you are trying to lose weight or struggle with depression or low energy. Ive had it in for a week and it's made me have no appetite except for junk food, I feel bloated, my mood is low, energy is low and I just don't feel like myself. I will be removing it! Like I said, it's good for someone without active lifestyle and wants birth control but I don't recommend for anyone who it highly focused on their health goals.

Burning and Itching. I have used the ovual in the past and I thought that I was going to die. the burning was so bad and I sweld so bad that the cream would come out. But the 7 treatment isn't that bad. still a little burning and itching but it is much better then the ovual.

drowsiness, confusion, unsteadiness, losing words, so slowed down mentally I feel stupid and can't function

While I feel this drug may be beneficial for seizures and certain types of pain, CAUTION should be used in taking this medication for any other usage then it was produced for. The 'bad' side effects are not worth the risk!

Rapid heartbeat. Flushing. But adjusted and went away

I cannot stress enough to take a pro-biotic with this!! If you don't you will be in serious trouble. Drink probiotic yogurt type drinks or take the probiotic in pill form. Clindamycin saved my life but it is a heavy duty drug.

This was HORRIBLE after the first 24hrs - haven't been able to sleep and when I HAVE finally fallen asleep have had intensely vivid nightmares that leave an emotional fallout for days (am relieved to know I"m not alone with this). Has made me generally very emotional with atypical anxiety and depression - crying jags, feelings of irrational rage, paranoia.... and of course the lethargy and "brain fog" that comes with lack of sleep. Ugh. I am allergic to -cillins and related drugs so my options are limited when it comes to antibx, but I won't be taking this again if there's any other option - Zithromax may not be as strong, but it also doesn't make me near-psychotic. Biaxin has certainly killed the infection, but it seems to try to take the host with it too! Two more days on this stuff, then never again.

unsure yet. acne, diarrhea, EXTREME irritability and tearfulness, dnagerouse thoughyts....

I have tried other statins but I was started on Zetia by my MD with the hope of lowering my cholesterol better. But the side effects is just so debilitating to me that I can barely function normal. I had to stop taking this medication.

Gets dirty easily as dust sticks to the edges of the patch. Lifts often even though I keep oils and creams well away and have tried varying locations for the patch.