Sulfacetamide sodium and prednisolone sodium phosphate (prednisolone sodium phosphate; sulfacetamide sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sulfacetamide sodium and prednisolone sodium phosphate (prednisolone sodium phosphate; sulfacetamide sodium)

cant see and tired all the time

Side Effects forsulfacetamide sodium and prednisolone sodium phosphate (prednisolone sodium phosphate; sulfacetamide sodium) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Didnt relieve pain at all.Severe itchiness from head to toe.Couldnt stay/fall asleep.

Weight gain of ~ 3 pounds just from taking the pill. Slightly hi tryglicerides (?) were reported in blood work a few years back.

Daily morning headache, increase in blood pressure from my baseline.

I figured that the "stress and anxiety" was the culprit for the stomache bloating/gas and neck and shoulder stiffness, that's what my doctor pinned it on. she was even going to put me on an antidepressant for my stomache! i never would have thought to put the nexium and those symptoms together since it really did the job of curing the gerd well. i quit smoking a year ago and surprisingly the gerd got worse so i took more nexium, and in the last year my symptoms have gotten worse and iv'e started to gain weight (not because i ate to compensate, i didnt eat any more or less than i always have). im going to stop taking it and see if my symptoms go away. ill get back to everyone soon!

I told the Dr. I didn't want versed, he sneaked it in anyway. I was awake on and off for excruciating pain that I can only compare to labor and unable to tell anyone. I was crying and moaning. I was furious when it was over and before I stormed out of recovery (before being cleared) I told the Dr. that I remember it, I am not sure what action I will take. Had another bad experience with versed in 2002 when I was having surgury for a torn cervix after childbirth. I woke up on the table hanging upside down naked, freezing cold and in so much pain. I said "I am awake, I don't want to be awake" and next thing I knew I was out again. When I told them I remembered being awake they wrote it off saying I was in and out and that was normal. Nothing normal about what I went though. Wondering if this drug is the cause of the severe anxiety disorder I have developed. Will never take it again!

It works great, I have been on it a few times in my life and it always helped me lose weight. You DO gain the gain weight if you don't keep up with diet and exercise.

Very slight stomach discomfort, may not even be caused by drug, but stomach issues are rare with me. I never drink or take Tylenol and am generally very healthy. I'll be half of the bad side effects are due to people not being healthy to begin with.

On day five of the course of antibiotics my son developed watery diarrhea followed by a fever of 100.8 and extreme lethargy. He refused to eat supper and went to bed three hours early. He awoke with blistering hives around his mouth and vomiting. The adverse effects appeared to have mostly subsided around twelve hours after his last dose.

Endometriosis, bleeding disorder

i was only on Tri-cyclen for 3 weeks and by the time i got to the 3rd week i had all thses side effects I was taking breathing attacks, headaches at work, dizzines, sick feeling, fever,breast pain, nausea and worst of all bad pain behind my eyes!! I went to work one day and i was fine and the next thing i knew i couldn't see!! i could only see bright colors. i was taken to the Hospital and after 2 hours i regained my sight!!! the strongest eeffects were always within an hour from when i took the pill!! everyone is effected differently but i know i will no longer be taking the pill!!!