Sucralfate (sucralfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sucralfate (sucralfate)

Minor headaches. Really bad abdominal pain/cramping. Burning in throat. Insomnia & back pain.

Even though the side effects are bad, I do feel a lot better than before I started taking this medication. I'm also taking 10mg of omeprazole daily, the side effects could be from that, but who knows. I heard it takes a week or two for your body to adjust to medication, so hopefully over time they subside. Oh yeah. I take the sucralfate 3 times a day, not 4. I feel like thats too much. I separate each dose by 6 hours.

Nausea can be intense at times

Every time the anesthesiologist sticks the damn tube down my throat for a surgery, I have intense pain in the throat for weeks afterwards. Two surgeries ago the doc started me on sucralfate and it eventually takes the pain away but causes waves of nausea. Pain or nausea, what a choice!

SUCRALFATE (SUCRALFATE): This medication is used to treat and prevent ulcers in the intestines. Sucralfate forms a coating over ulcers, protecting the area from further injury. This helps ulcers heal more quickly. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After about 4-5 days I have terrible nausea, severe neck and back pain, severe migraines, insomnia, no appetite, earache, tingling hands, no energy, gas, bloating. In general feeling very ill.

Started taking Microgestin because I was on Orthocyclin before and i never got any period so i freaked out. Microgestin was ok at first my periods were very short for the most part didn't feel any different mentally until a few months later. I became incredibly lazy fatigued. Depression became a problem I didn't want to do ANYTHING I cry at the drop of a hat I feel anxious constantly, Irritable, moody, just unhappy all around. As far is it preventing pregnancy it worked great. I just can't take feeling unhappy all the time my eyes are always puffy because i can't stop crying and whining I was never like this before. All i ever wanted to do was create and do what I love now I don't even care about the passion i once had. Honestly the only thing I want to do on this pill is have sex with my boyfriend everyday all day until i pass out. That is what this pill is for me I want my life's ambition back and my sanity. Once i was always being funny now i can't even make myself laugh. Today i am not taking this pill!

4 years Severe Peripheral Neuropathy, Brain Fog/Head Pressure, Problems with eye site & vision sensitivity.

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I wish I would have read these reviews before I put this nuke in my body. It has seriously been the worst 7 days of my EXISTENCE. I called my doctor today and said Id rather suffer than take this medication. Surly to GOD, there has to be alternative. He let me stop taking it and just continue on Cipro. This medication made me feel crazy. I had side effects while driving and had to turn around in the middle of a trip and drive home bc I was afraid I was going to wreck. You can't sleep, and when you do, you're dreams are totally bizarre. My side effects did not appear until day 3-4. I almost went to the ER bc I thought I was losing my mind and my face was going to explode. If you are taking this and feel like a total weirdo on the verge of dying... It's not you, it's the FLAGYL!

P.S. Oh, and will somebody please tell Sally Field about FRAX, too!