Striant (testosterone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Striant (testosterone)

I don't think this lower (10 hrs a night) brought up my T levels by any significant degree. No side effects, good or bad

Even with the tab properly placed, it turned into a waxy paste within several hours. You can't eat with it in. It would soften into a paste overnight

impossible to continue using this drug! You are constantly aware of the tablet between your lip & gum, its like having a bit of food stuck there! It would drive anyone mad! It also turns to a sticky mush if it does ( occasionally)stick in the correct place. more often that not it will not stick & ends up in an even more irritating place in your mouth!

Obviously very poor research done on real people before this system was marketed!If it was designed as a thin film to stick to the roof of the mouth like those breath fresheners it just might be successful. As it is, I would expect the manufacturer to go bust!

STRIANT (TESTOSTERONE): This medication contains testosterone. It is used for hormone replacement in men who are not able to produce enough testosterone (e.g., hypogonadism). This medication is absorbed through your gums, enters your bloodstream, and helps your body reach normal testosterone levels. Testosterone helps the body to develop and maintain the male sexual characteristics (masculinity), such as a deep voice and body hair. It also helps to maintain muscle and prevent bone loss and is necessary for natural sexual ability/interest. This drug should not be used by women. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Ok this is the deal. Exactly one week ago I had a face peel. No big deal. Done it before. Same day I started taking Claritin D 24 hour. No big deal. After 4 days I couldnt for my life figure out why my skin, STILL, was dehydrated and peeling and red. And I was SOOO thirsty and oddly enough very hyper. Started to buy all kinds of skin creams cause I figured I must have overdone the peel-thing. Nothing helps. But after reading these reviews I know why my skin is messed up along with the rest of my body!!!! Currently as I write this, I am experiencing ALL of the side effects. I will NEVER EVER take this tablet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I felt wonderful for about 6 months and then I started having major fatigue and worsening of all symptoms regardless of dosage. It wasn't doing anything for me. This isn't typical though. Now I''m finding out I have low cortisol and growth hormone levels due to a pituitary tumor which is probably the reason it has stopped working for me.

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A little flatulence, but otherwise good. Can be constipating.