Stiolto respimat (olodaterol hydrochloride; tiotropium bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Stiolto respimat (olodaterol hydrochloride; tiotropium bromide)

The lot loss of sensation in legs swollen eyes like sand in them. Could not stop coughing. Chest pain blurred vision dizzyness

Not for me. Chemo was better than these side effects. I have to drink olive oil to moisten my mouth

I have COPD. I was taking Breo for years I had to change doctors since my old one retired. My new Doctor told me that this medication is what I need for my COPD. I have been taking it for 2 months and feel like my breathing is no better than before and then sometimes it is so bad that I actually wonder if I am getting any medication from the inhaler. I will ask for something different at my next visit.

no side effects noted. I have noted that it helped greatly in early treatment, but now somewhat less effective. Not sure if it's the med or progression of disease.

Made my chest feel tight and gave me palpitations on day one- day 2 same day 3 just took one puff I felt like I was getting a cold runny nose sneezing - day four started to get a cough - day five full blown chest infection

I felt ok before I started taking this medication I think it has given me a chest infection

I thought it was a miracle for the first two weeks, then I started abruptly waking up SOB requiring a rescue inhaler. My lungs and cough feel extremely dry making coughing up secretions almost impossible.

Shortness of breath, chest pain, horrible taste in my mouth, nose won't stop running, I was actually better before taking this. I feel worse now 3 days later than I did going into the doctor.

Weight gain, slight discomfort in chest

Do the side effects eventually go away?

I was on Anoro and I wanted to try something that didnt taste as bad so dr put me on Stiolto. 1st day was ok 2nd day Id cough before I could even get it in my lungs, started getting cold sores on my lips. Shortness of breath and feel sick. I went back to Anoro .

I had been on Spiriva before and since the inhalers were the same I figured it would be ok. Definitely not for me .

Extreme shortness of breath, AFIB, anxiety. It put me in the ER. The ER doc said I was exhibiting most of the reported major side effects.

STIOLTO RESPIMAT (OLODATEROL HYDROCHLORIDE; TIOTROPIUM BROMIDE): See also Warning section. This product is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema). Controlling symptoms of breathing problems helps you stay active. This inhaler contains 2 medications: tiotropium and olodaterol. Both drugs work by relaxing the muscles around the airways in the lungs so they open up and make breathing easier. Tiotropium belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics, and olodaterol is a LABA medication (see also Warning section). Both drugs are also known as bronchodilators. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden shortness of breath. If sudden breathing problems occur, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Swelling of fingers, face and lips.

My Grandson is one of the children who has experienced these horrible side effects. In the two months that he has been taking singulair, I have watched my daughter and her husband become increasingly terrified at the changes in our happy loving little boy. I am urging each and everyone of you to contact Merck and the FDA and file a complaint in order to stop this drug from being used in children. It is one thing as an informed adult to take a medication with potential side effects, it is a totally different thing for a parent to give a medication that they have been led to "Believe" to be safe to their child. There is strength in numbers and if we all contact the news, Merck, FDA, any one we can think of and inform them about what is happening to our children on this drug, we will be able to stop other potential victims from experiencing what our families are going thru....Please I urge you to continue to spread the word about this drug - tell everyone you know. Remember, Mer

Taxol helped save my life. I was Stage 2B when I started treatment with a tumor 4 1/2 cm in size. Opted for neo-adjuvant chemo in the hopes of saving my breast. Started with dose dense A/C for four treatments every other Tuesday and ended with dose dense Taxol, four treatments every other Tuesday for a total of 16 weeks of chemotherapy. Because of the positive response to chemo my tumor was shrunk to 1.1cm and removed successfully. Followed with daily radiation for 7 weeks. Six years post treatment I am completely disease free.

My girlfriend is afraid for her life and her cat because I take this drug. I don't blame her.

I have joint and bone pain in the mornings when I get up but it subsides as I start walking around and doing things. I have had a lot of itching and itchy bumps on my elbows, rash or hives on my back, But it could be because I was mixing organic coconut oil in with a new lotion I got at Whole Foods. I have since stopped using them both and I will see if the itching goes away. I have intense vaginal itching at night and it wakes me up, probably from the dryness associated with taking the Letrozole. I used all kinds of non-itch creams for that area, but it is still there. I am taking the generic Femara from CVS. I am wondering if there might be a difference in the Letrozole from Walgreens as someone mentioned one time. I do on occasion get very angry with my spouse for the least little things, and thankfully he is very patient with me. Other than that, I guess I am doing great. {Thank you Lord}

I have had panic disorder for about 6 or 7 years and have tried numerous medications with no help from any (worst of all was Paxil!) except for Xanax which I got addicted to and no longer take (long story). Wellbutrin is the first one that actually worked for me. The side effect subsided after a month. I've been on it for about 4 years now and am still happy with the results. I actually am planning to come off of it soon simply because I don't think I need it anymore. I've learned to deal with panic attacks on my own at this point. This medication also helped with my IBS which is AWESOME! It did not help me stop smoking...actually made me want to smoke more. go figure!


Before reading this forum, I didn't know that pain was a side effect. It was really scary, and I was afraid I was permanently damaged.

When I would first take this drug after a school vacation, I would often be sick at about noon for the first few days. This drug did help me to be successful in school along with therapy to learn coping mechanisms. This drug would cause me to have insomnia (something I do not have at all when I do not take it) and supressed appetite. While on this medication, I noticed a significant increase in anxiety, and I did not feel like myself. I often told my parents I felt as if this medication "stole my soul" because I was no longer interested in things that previously interested me. I do remember experiencing suicidal thoughts, which is very unlike me. In the last 6 years that I have been off Ritalin, I have not had anything near a suicidal thought and I am know as a very positive person. I would take myself off of the drug for a few days, and the thoughts would go away. I always remained taking this drug because it pleased my teachers and parents, but I was miserable. I believe th

Mild Dizziness and Drowsiness.