Steglatro (ertugliflozin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Steglatro (ertugliflozin)

STEGLATRO (ERTUGLIFLOZIN): Ertugliflozin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Ertugliflozin works by increasing the removal of sugar by your kidneys. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Hi guys! I took Pepcid back in October for a few days and had a panic attack and ever since I have had pretty bad anxiety and depressive episodes and it's April! I've tried therapy but it's like I can't control what I feel and like it's not going to ever end and it's scary. I am skeptical about taking antidepressants because I am hoping it'll go away in a matter of time. I think PEPCID messed up something in my gut and if anyone can also relate or has any suggestions on how they got back to feeling normal after taking this medication, please email me!! I would greatly appreciate!

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First started taking Paxil 10 mg. over 1 year ago. It really helped me to stop crying and thinking all the time. Then I was taken off by my Internist because he said it will raise my blood pressure. Internist just said come off it there won't be any side effects because the dose was so low. 3 months later, I was severely depressed again. Now I'm taking 20 mg and feel so much better. I am having some trouble sleeping and I do feel tired a lot of the time and prefer to stay home most of the time but I'm not depressed and I'm not thinking contantly. I'm aware of the weight gain and I'm especially careful about what I eat. Hopefully I will feel energetic enough soon to do some exercise.

1000MG twice a day - mostly on this medication in conjunction with Wellbutrin SR (200MG) for about 4 years, with two short periods of no more than 2 months each off the medications (and for awhile, no mood elevators at all). while this medication *did* help me level out the rollercoaster ride and restore sanity (and almost completely eradicate the migraines that sent me to the Emergency Room), the side effects appear within a week of starting the medication, some of which worry me. i.e., what causes the lower back pain, intense but short-lived headaches (i do not get those headaches off the medication), and visual and aural anomolies? kidneys and liver check out okay on every blood test and side effects do not seem to concern my psychopharmocologist, but i am very in tune with myself (part of my bipolar problem), and i wonder if he should be more concerned. i just want to have a normal life. my partner is great and knows my quirks, but it is stressful for us both, and i often cann

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no adrenal gland/post menapause

used for IVF cycles. the side effects where not so bad once combined with the pill, but once off, wow, i because really moody and down which i dislikes severely as i am not used to being like that.