Spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; spironolactone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; spironolactone)

having hormonal acne, my dermatologist recommended this as a "safe" option. within weeks, this drug destroyed all the collagen and elastin in my face, I have lost volume sunken eyes, wrinkles, premature aging, and I look unrecognizable. Suicidal doesn't begin to describe how this is making me feel. It's been 5 months since I stopped this drug and the damage it's done to my connective tissue seems to be irreversible. I am only 26, way too young to be experiencing anything remotely like this. please don't take this

Got a itchy rash which spread to various parts of my body. Started to have abnormal sleep patterns where I would stay awake all night or not be able to sleep until 2am or later. I took Benadryl and a sedative to get some sleep. I was willing to deal with the rash until it spread more and more.

My skin became drier, and clearer but wrinkly and not a healthy skin tone. The cysts became smaller and at the end before I had to stop the treatment - my skin was the best it had been in months. About a month before I broke out after many years of no lumps I was put on Prednisone for 1 week 10mgs a day. I will always wonder if this was the cause.

Side Effects forspironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide; spironolactone) - User Comments


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Tired and no engery.Very anger all the time Just mean to everyone.very bad acne on my face and shoulder.This pill I have decided to stop tonight gladly. I Been thinking for months why am I feeling so bad and my face whats breaking me out....nowI know.....done

i used to use ortho tri cyclen lo and loved it... but then our insurance didnt cover it anymore so now im on mononessa ((i believe thats wat its called)) ... this is my first week on it and i cant believe how awful im feeling already! i used to get AWFUL cramps ((only the first 2 days of my period)) before any BC and after taking ortho tri cyclen lo they were great barley any cramping at all! now on this pill so far i have been taking it for 5 days .. my period ended today and i feel like its the first day of my awful periods i used to get..awful awful cramps still... also i have been xtremely exhausted the past few days for no reason.. my sleeping patterns havnt changed and i come to work feeling like a zombie every day. If my bf says one thing that shouldnt b taken offensivly (( like if were laying together hell ask me to move cuz hes not comfortable)) i start tearing up my emotions r running wild! any little thing bothers me and im a bitch to my family for no reason... its bothering me.. if this keeps up i need to find something else.

Since I started taking Loestrin, my period has gotten really light. I was previously on Nuvaring which I liked but it slipped out way too many times for me. Every pill works on everybody differently and you should give three months to get used to it.

My mood swings have evened out and I am not crying all the time for no good reason. I find myself able to deal with my kids without losing my temper (that's the best thing) I'm on 225 mg now and got the sweats and constipation after raising it from 150. I feel much better now. I forgot to take a dose one morning and at about 7pm I started to get a bit dizzy and nauseous...couldn't figure out what it was until I realized what I had fogotten to take! Don't want to run out of this stuff! I've tried lexapro which helped a little, wellbutrin and I got hives, and zoloft stopped working for me after a year.

I have been on various levels of 6MP(purinethol) for almost 2 years. It is my miracle drug. I had symptoms for about two years before they took a biopsy and pin pointed my condition as Crohn's. Ever since I have had no major flare ups.

Nausea, bloody nose, hoarse, coughing up bloody mucous day after, upper respiratory infection, chills

i didn't feel any side affects while taking the Buspar. But i was also on PAxil CR (12.5 mg) I do not suggest anyone taking the paxil because of the withdrawel symptoms. but i was cutting through on just the paxil and my doc at the E.R. suggested me to start taking the Buspar, so i did and it helped tremendously.

I had been taking this for quite a long time but discontinued cause it was not working anymore but I didn't have any side effects at the time. I started taking Pepcid for a month and boy did it do my mind and my body alot of harm. Look that up too. So I went back to omeprozole a week ago not knowing I'd go back to feeling the same way I did with the Pepcid. I thought the Pepcid was still in my system but from the research I've found here I couldn't believe that what I was feeling was from the OMEPROZOLE. It took a turn on me and gave me the worst side effects just like it did everyone else. I went to the ER 4 time this month and I was getting really upset because I felt in my heart that I had the COVID and doctors weren't being honest with me. They didn't know what else to tell me. My vitals where fine. My labs came back normal. So my daughter came here and found all this information. If anybody has taking both these medications and dealt with the same issue. You can reach out

The first month on 50 mg's I noticed about a 5 lb. weight loss (yay) but no relief from anxiety. Still depressed. Doc increased dosage to 100 mg's and I began feeling very tired and depressed after about 2.5 weeks on 100 mgs. Anxiety gone but felt like a Zombie. Going off to try generic Wellbutrin. I don't think Zoloft is a bad drug but I just think it's not a good match for my needs.

So I took the generic, Gavilyte, which has the same active ingredients. The Doc told me to mix it up in the am on the day before my procedure. I was to drink the entire gallon (i think it was a gallon) from 5-8pm. Honestly, I did not think it had a weird smell or texture. I mixed each 8oz does with either 1/2 packet crystal light or with chicken broth. The taste was fine. Straws help. I started gagging a little bit into the 2nd hour, but I think if you drink a massive amount of anything you will gag. I finished about 8/10 of the bottle, as I just couldn't suck it all down in the time allotted. I had mild cramping and some chills, but no nausea or vomiting. I didn't start going until 8pm, when I finished the med. From there it went from 8 to about 11:30 when I went to bed. In the morning it continued, even at the surgery center. I never felt like I got completely clean though. When I woke up from the procedure, they said they had to flush me out since I did not get rid of all the matter. I was in a lot of pain from them pumping in air and taking biopsies. Literally I was in tears all the way home, until I got in my bed and let go of some gas. Ultimately, the med isn't as bad as many make it out to be!