Spectracef (cefditoren pivoxil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Spectracef (cefditoren pivoxil)

took this for a bad bronchial infection. Ran 102 fever for 3 days. 1st dose, diarrhea all day. Subsided 2nd day. No side effects whatsoever once diarrhea ran its course.

My fever broke 4 hours after the 1st dose. Was very thankful this drug worked effectively for me. I hate taking antibiotics but this one actually worked. Make sure you have an electrolyte to drink (gatorade, etc)and a high quality probiotic if taking this.

typical antibiotic stomach upset, not nearly the cramping that is caused by Z-pack

was put on this 3 days after the liquid 1 day shot of z pack did nothing but to break my fever. Took first pill at 11:00 am felt better by 3 o'clock

Severe headache, nausea, hives

Side Effects forspectracef (cefditoren pivoxil) - User Comments


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My ob said sometimes the pill just doesn't work for everyone!

I have always been depressed, but this didn't make it any worse. I loved this pill. It kept me out of the hospital. Also helped with my acne. I have never tried a generic, but had been on this for 7 years. Recently switched to regular Ortho-Cyclen to prevent breakthrough bleeding, and it worked wonderfully.

When I went back to the dr. for a refill she wouldnt give me the tramadol anymore she said there is a 'better' drug for fibro pain now! Her choice was Lyrica. Now I can't function at all I feel 'high' and my pain is so servers I'm contiplating going to the E.R.

I was on zoloft for a couple of years, then I decided I didn't need it anymore stopped taking it for 5 1/2 months. When I was on it I still had anxiety but thinking back i think it was more managable(also prescribed xanax for spot treatment)Had a panic attack in nov. and since then have mentally checked out, the dr. asked if I wanted zoloft again I said I wasn't sure if they worked. So he put me on Lexapro, which didn't agree with me at all 1 pill and done, So the Dr put me on remeron 15mg and this stuff really knocks me out, it seem to help a little, I don't cry as much but I'm still sad. I told my Dr. and he uped it to 30mg I 've taken it for 4 days now and I'm more nervous and jittery I'm nausea and now I have dry mouth, I wake up and I feel my arms and legs are feeling weird. I don't know if I like this, I took the xanax to relax and they work but my dad was saying it might be the xanax making me shake in the morning.

After about 6 months, I realized my legs were bothering me. Dr. said it must be arthritis, NOT the premarin. Legs got worse. My leg and hip joints gradually worsened over the 8 years I took premarin. I exercised alot, but still I felt like I was walking through water. Legs felt full, heavy, achy. I continued to think it must be arthritis. Dr. urged me not to quit premarin. I couldn't stand the way I felt, so I decided to experiment. I went off premarin for three weeks, and the hot flashes returned immediately, but the leg pain immediately stopped. I went back on premarin, and the hot flashes stopped, but the leg pain came back.

Headaches, back pains, light headed always upset & moody, always tiredAnd i have an Odor & discharge wich i never had that before the shot.(NOT GOOD AT ALL) Do your research first !!!!!!

Viibryd helped me with a week. Initially during the 10 mg phase I had some stomach issues. Once the dosage was 40 mg for a month or more these were gone. However once went on vacation and forgot my Viibryd. Felt dizzy with an out-of-body type of expert.

DEPRESSION, morning fog, irritability, and frequent urination during the night (after years of taking but has gone away now that I am off it a couple years). My mood and irritability levels are much much better after being off it even without the sleep.

When I first started the medication it seemed to work only because it caused drowsiness. Currently the itchiness has become unbearable, I take 2 pills every 6 hours to give me some peace, I thought by increasing the dosage would make me feel tired, but that is no longer the case, I no longer get drowsy.

After reading this site, I think I'll discontinue before things get worse. I have a minor fungul infection (or whatever it is) so it may not be worth it.