Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sovaldi (sofosbuvir)

Fatigue, chronic diarrhea, weight gain, bloating

I tested clear at 4 weeks like many other people. However, the fatigue and diarrhea persist even though I haven't been on the medication for some time now. I recently tested positive AGAIN for Hep C. I too have noticed the memory lapses. Since I feel worse now than for the 40 years I had Hep C, I don't think I'll be trying any other treatments and certainly not this one again. The thing was my liver was in pretty decent shape for having Hep C - no scarring or cirrhosis it just kept showing up in blood tests.

I am on the new, 6-month-long, "cocktail" of Sovaldi plus Ribasphere. I have noticed two side-effects:1). Strange, perplexing forgetfulness, as though my short-term memory is not working. Household items disappear, then are found elsewhere, and I don't remember having moved them. I left the bathroom shower on overnight three weeks ago; left the oven on for six hours two weeks ago. I'll blank out when remembering something I know well. Do note that this is NOT a trait I showed before beginning Sovaldi Ribasphere; I've never done "senior-y" things like these before! I've always had a very sharp short-term memory, so I think these drugs are making me slightly stupid.2). The oddest feeling sometimes that my blood is not oxygenated enough. I'll have the oddest moments in which I feel like my blood is not bringing enough oxygen to my brain or extremities; I'll even have the odd impression that my blood is now "dead" and

I am on the 6-month regimen of Sovaldi and Ribasphere, designed to knock out completely my Hepatitis C. I can only assume it's working, so my "Satisfaction" rating, above, is necessarily premature; only blood tests and a final liver biopsy will tell us for sure. Meanwhile I'm getting the funny side-effects described above.

SOVALDI (SOFOSBUVIR): Sofosbuvir is used with other antiviral medications (such as ribavirin, peginterferon, daclatasvir) to treat chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis C, a viral infection of the liver. It works by reducing the amount of hepatitis C virus in your body, which may help your liver recover. Chronic hepatitis C infection can cause serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), or liver cancer. Sofosbuvir in combination with other antiviral medications reduces the amount of hepatitis C virus in the body and helps the body's immune system fight the infection. It is not known if this treatment can prevent you from passing the virus to others. Do not share needles, and practice "safer sex" (including the use of latex condoms) to lower the risk of passing the virus to others. Sofosbuvir must be used in combination treatment to have the best effect. Do not use sofosbuvir alone to treat hepatitis C. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medicine has serious adverse effects that are not disclosed can last for 35-120 days after last pill taken. Began doing a lemon/hot water drink to cleanse the liver with some success. This product is not worth the risks of damage.

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