Sotret (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sotret (isotretinoin)

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

If you're taking this vile disgusting garbage poison, be prepared for your body to slowly (or rapidly) fall apart and degenerate AFTER YOU STOP THE DRUG....days, weeks, months, or even years later. Doesn't matter if you have blood monitoring, doesn't matter if you feel fine while on it...the effects can all hit you in the future. Be prepared for your body to break apart. It's not worth throwing your life into the garbage bin. Don't listen to all the doctors who want to lie to you and say the severe side effects are extremely "rare", they aren't...i personally know multiple people permanently effected by this drug.

SOTRET (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I smoked for 40 years, tried patches, medicine, gum no success. This is my 2nd time on Chantix. lst time I was on it 90 days. As soon as I quit taking it I went into extreme withdrawals, shaking, very irritable, antsy, confused. Got cravings all back and started smoking again. There is no support thru Chantix or help from experts who knows how to gradually wean off the Chantix so don't start smoking again. Long term affects need to be studied & how long can you take it without harmful effects? I'm on it 2nd time now on 3rd refill and side effects are still extreme. Will try reducing dosage from 2/day to 1/day to see if that helps. Has anyone had problems weaning off Chantix successfully and not started smoking again? Please let us know.

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Physicians please stop giving this medication to the elderly especially for long term use, it causes too many problems and complications with someone who already has Alzheimers w/Dementia as it is. VERY BAD DRUG.

Since I've been on Geodon the only thing I can relate to is the bad side effects that I had when I was on Zoloft.This is pretty close. I'm also on Prozac, Wellbutrin and Klonapin.Before getting on Geodon I was taking Abilify and now I'm wondering if I should go back to Abilify,lower my Wellbutrin or take another medication for the side effects. But where do you draw the line. I don't want to be on a lot of meds. These side effects are almost worse than hearing the voices.I feel I'm damned if I do take it and Damned if I don't.Always having to deal with something.I'm worried I'm going to get too thin because I have no cravings for anything anymore.I hope it works for you but as for me...I am not happy especially if the side effects are long term.If they were only for a little while maybe I could deal with it knowing things would change,but I've heard its always like this with some people.Another thing is my libido is totally shot.It not only effects me but my boyfriend too.Then My mom is worried when she sees how bad I have the shakes and tremors and I'm worried I could have a seizure at any time.I wish I new more about this drug befor I started taking it.I feel like a lab rat.Its effects everything I do and find it hard to work.Plus I feel dizzy (due to low blood sugar probably) but still I feel sick everytime I want to eat something.There has to be a better drug or combonation for me.I'm able to think a little better because the voices are not as noticable,But not gone.PLEAS

It helped my symptoms clear up, but didn't get rid of the infection all together.

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