Sotalol hcl (sotalol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sotalol hcl (sotalol hydrochloride)

Tired, sleepy, no energy, less alert

Tired & fatiguedCannot lose weight easily

tried legs shortness of breath

Prolonged QT resulting in cardiac arrest and death.

Higher blood sugar, tiredness, some irregular heartbeats.

This is my last resort. Doctor wants me to have ablation surgery if Sotalol doesn't work..

HIGH blood sugar!!!!! Cold, breakthrough, rapid heartbeats. Tired.

Tired, some ED that can be reversed with Cialis.

Great drug, Doctor insisted on changing me to Tambocor and have issues with Tambocor.

mild tiredness, mild stomach irritation, and decreased heart rate.

sleeping very well, pvc's not as symptomatic and decreased. tried many other beta blockers with no good results.

This is a miracle drug for me. "V-tach" is a sword of Damocles, where a strong arrhythmia can kill you. From the irregular heartbeats, I experienced intermittent but persistent palpitations for months. Once on Sotalol 120 mg, twice per day, I have not had any palpitations. I have my energy back, and a brighter outlook. I have begun exercising again; before, I was afraid to do so.

Perhaps a slight loss of energy and tendency to require rest periods or a "nap" some days. I awaken at night with very dry mouth and throat, but a 1/2 glass of OJ fixes that nicely.At 75 I seem to require 8 hours of sleep most nights to feelfully rested, but need a slow start after breakfast for mydays involvements, indoors or out.

During hospitalization, I was told that I have Angina to some degree, but have not had any incidents.

tired,anxious,also on norvasc, bp still high but pulse rate remains at 50.

still having skipped heartbeats frequently but not full blown afib. low pulse rate keeps me tired. hasn't helped lower my blood pressure

SOTALOL HCL (SOTALOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat a serious (possibly life-threatening) type of fast heartbeat called sustained ventricular tachycardia. It is also used to treat certain fast/irregular heartbeats (atrial fibrillation/flutter) in patients with severe symptoms such as weakness and shortness of breath. Sotalol helps to lessen these symptoms. It slows the heart rate and helps the heart to beat more normally and regularly. This medication is both a beta blocker and an anti-arrhythmic. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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SEVERE fatigue, flat affect, decreased interest in EVERYTHING weight gain,feel emotionless,always freezing, constipation

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I just got out of the hospital because I had colitis and partial blockage the doctor that treated me in the hospital prescription for movantik within a couple hours I've got severe pain in my stomach I'm nauseated I've got shaking chills I didn't know it will throw me in withdrawals until after I took it I will never take it again

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