Sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate)

Side Effects forsodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

The side effect of ONJ is horrible! Shame on Amgen for creating this drug and the doctors for prescribing​ it. I hope the CFO and the President of Amgen along with my oncologist get ONJ l and wake up every day feeling like their teeth are going to fall out.

I've been taking the generic Microgestin FE for the last 3 years. Prior to this, I took Mircette for two years. Due to frequent spotting, my doctor suggested Loestrin. Having light/no period is great!

Anxiety, Panic Attacks,Depression

Heartburn, gassy, after a few days, severe hives that won't go away

I encountered no major issues with ORTHO-CEPT. I was 17 and later again at 23 when I was on ORTHO-CEPT. My periods were very light to non-existent, which caused panic and lots of unnessary pregnancy tests, my doctor assured me it was fine. I eventually stopped taking the pill for personal reasons. FYI: ORTHO-CEPT and DESOGEN (APRI is the generic name) are the SAME = SAME ACTIVE INGREDIENTS/SAME LEVEL of HORMONES

The initial week I had a two day severe onset of hives which were stopped by a shot in the butt and a week of prednisone. At 7 weeks I experienced a complete loss of taste, everything tastes gross/metallic taste. Headaches every day. Extreme bloating.

Zyban helped me to stop smoking and lessened depression. I haven't had a cigarette in 3 months. But lately I'm much more agitated, cry easily, and work myself into hysteria when life stress feels overwhelming. I am tapering down and will stop taking the drug next week.

Tried Loestrin 24 FE about 8 weeks after a miscarriage because bf and I didn't want another unplanned pregnancy, first week was fine. I noticed I was bloated and breasts were swollen and I was getting PMS-y...Then two weeks in the break through bleeding started and it lasted for about 6 days then I had a full on period soaking SUPER tampons. That lasted about 3 days and tapered off. When my period was supposed to start there was nothing. I continued taking it thinking my body was just adjusting to the hormones, and a week and a half later the break through bleeding starts again for about 6 days again, then a full period for 4 days complete with cramping and bloating and clots. This happened again the following month. I was also napping like I was prego again, that was enough to scare the BF and he wanted me to take a pg test after the first month. I gave the pill 3 months but with the crazy bleeding, bloating, cramping, and being exhausted all the time I'd rather go back to condoms and counting days (we've been together for 8 yrs with this method and only 1 pregnancy). Along with the pill I take Adderall XR for adhd, this BC has me exhausted while on the adderall. That's a little frightening to know this medication takes that much out of a person that even with prescription "uppers" all I wanted to do was nap. I've stopped taking them and am in the process of waiting for my cycle to return to it's normal "predictable" self.

After taking Flonase, Astelin, and Singulair together for 3 days, experienced palpitations. Now, 4 weeks, later, still having palpitations. Anybody else had long-term effects?

I began taking this crap 3 days ago. One day after my first two doses, I began experiencing headaches and being very light headed. Then came the pain and weakness. I'm also short of breath when I walk along with being weak. I have severe nausea and fatigue with this heavy feeling in my chest. It sucks to be at work like this. I'm also constipated and I can't eat. I was actually taking this drug along with Bactrim. When the other pills that turn your urine orange didn't work, Macrobid was prescribed. I'd NEVER recommend this drug to anyone not even my worst enemy. This drug makes you feel crappy and I'm sure they'll be recalling this one soon. This is a sad case because I'm fine as long as I don't move. I can't keep missing work behind this so as of today I'm discontinuing taking this drug.