Slynd (drospirenone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Slynd (drospirenone)

Mood swings,vaginally dryness,no period ,no sex drive, bone issues my whole system changed on these pills. I want my low dose estrogen pills back

Had a period the month before the start of these pills. And now nothing worst pill ever.

Dizziness, dry mouth, and thirst.

I was actually feeling better on this but I have had 5 dizzy spells within the past week with 2 of them being today. Have dry mouth and thirst even though I drink a ton of fluids which I track with an app. One of my dizzy spells was while I was driving but stopped at a stoplight. I think I will need to stop taking this. I can't drive or work if I'm going to be getting randomly dizzy.

Side Effects forslynd (drospirenone) - User Comments


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sex protection / regulate period

nightmares, hair loss, depression, suicidal ideology.

Horrible depression and anxiety! Felt like I was having a heart attack. Blood pressure went way up. Heart would "jump" and/or skip beats.

I love this birth control! I was rec'd it by my Gyno and switched from my other birth control. I think this pill is great. Less periods the better, is my opinion! Plus, I haven't gained a pound and I feel fine when I used to PMS very badly.

Not many. If awakened before med has worn off, will be groggy until big cup of coffee gets my head cleared. Have to use the right dose usually half or one third tab.

This is a horrible drug. I would rather deal with the pain of stones than these intense side effects.

Had hives (red to purple color)all over my body. This include hives on my palms of my hands. These hives on my hands caused pain in my hands which I believe was caused from being swollen.

Strange muscle feelings in legs about 1 hour after taking, hungry more often but no real weight gain due to strict dieting. Drowsiness the next morning.

Latuda started to work for me even a day after taking it; 3 weeks later, it's even better. Besides taking away paranoia, voices, and delusions with negative symptoms as well, it's stopped me from overreacting about everything and having racing thoughts. No hunger or weight increase, no bad restlessness, no lactation so far. I LOVE this med; I don't know what I'd do without it.

Started on 20mg/q.d. for high systolic blood pressure. I have been on a few other bp drugs over the years, but my doc convinced me to switch to Benicar, as he feels it is a superior drug. Almost immediately started to see an increase in appetite (I'm a health-nut 6'3" 190lbs, and very active), but that was not the concern to me. NEVER had a problem in my life with dizziness until I started this medicine. Almost every time I would stand from a seated or lying position I would get immediately dizzy, to the point of almost passing out (called postural hypotension, search it on Google, common with certain bp drugs). My wife caught me a couple times. If you have ever been to the dentist and been on laughing gas the spinning and flashing was similar. Anyway, dropped from 20mg to 10mg/q.d., no change. Also had to clear my throat constantly, which was annoying. Stopped medicine all-together and every side effect cleared up. Started again and all came back. Hate the side effect of my old drug, which was frequent urination, but better than the risk of fainting and smashing your head on something, which could kill you. Also, I have never had a problem with airborne allergies, but for some bizarre reason this medicine makes me much more sensitive to allergens. WEIRD!