Slo-bid (theophylline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Slo-bid (theophylline)

I was a heavy smoker in 1984 and suddenly I found that I could not breath. I was diagnosed with severe blockage in my lungs. A physician prescribed Slo-bid, Theophylline 200 mgs time released capsules and I have been taking this medication for over 23 years now going on 24 years and it helped me tremendously. I am still taking this same medication, but was told by my physician that it is an outdated medication and the pharmaceutical companies would like to discontinue this medication all together. The time released capsules have already been discontinued and the medication is now only available in pill form, which does not seem to be as effective as the time released version. I can't live without this medication. If this medication is discontinued all together, I don't know what I would do. My physician is trying to convince me to try flovent, but I refuse. I have only heard negative remarks about it. It also contains prednisone and steroids, which I do not want to take. I alre

Side Effects forslo-bid (theophylline) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Easy to use, not hard to tell when canister is empty.You need to have unconstricted airways when you're using it however, because if not, you may not have the capacity to inhale deeply, thereby delivering less medication to your lungs.

This drug is absolutely awful. I knew it was making me incredibly nauseas and resulted in me having almost no appetite. It was helping with my LPR so I was willing to stick with it for a little while longer even though it was making me feel absolutely sickly. After taking it for two weeks though I experienced a night of feeling like my entire body was on fire. I burned/tingled from head to toe. I stopped taking the Pepcid and gradually over the past five days the tingling/burning has gone away. It went from my whole body, to just my lower arms/legs and hands/feet to yesterday only tingling in my pinky. Today (5 days after last Pepcid dose) I have zero tingling and only a spot or two that still feels off (almost like I left an ice pack on too long). I was terrified that this was something far more sinister but my doctor ran a bunch of blood work (which came back normal) and said to give it a full two weeks for the drug to clear my system and any minor nerve damage to be repaired before I needed to go see a neurologist. Low and behold five days after discontinuing Pepcid I'm at the point where I wouldn't even notice the slightly off sensation that remains if I wasn't looking for it. I'm confident it will be fully gone tomorrow or the next day. And I have my appetite back, am no longer constantly nauseas, and have stopped losing weight (which was inadvertent from the lack of appetite/nausea and unnecessa

Drs. aren't God, how can they swear isn't side effect when several people have experienced the same thing

Insanity, confusion, anxiety, irritable, aches, tired, sleeplessness, nightmares, increased heart rate, hot flash.

Wonderful drug! Doesn't provide the length of relief to me that most patients experience, but that only means a 2nd or 3rd injection for lengthy procedures when it starts to wear off.

No negative side effects thus far.

Rashes, weight gain, acne, hair loss, low sex drive and fatigue.

I took 1 tab, 400mg a few hours prior to going out to dinner w/friends. I had several glasses of red wine throughout the evening. I woke up at 3 in the morning, after blacking out. I don't remember anything about dinner or the ride home! My boyfriend said that at first I was hyperactive, talkative and 'drunk'. But as the night went on I couldn't hardly walk,and he had to feed me at the restaurant because I couldn't hold a fork. Needless to say, we had to postpone our after dinner plans. We came home early and I passed out immediately on the bed. I have a normal to high tolerance to alcohol and medications. I didn't consume enough wine to leave me totally smashed(similar to the feeling of having shots of tequila all night!)...This medication is very dangerous w/alcohol! It's horrible to not be able to remember ANYTHING about the night! After awakening from my comatose state, I was so thirsty and my ears were ringing loudly. I drank 3 glasses of water. It was difficult to go back to sleep. My shoulders were tense, my feet and hands sore w/tingling and shocks of pain.I took this medication before (off and on for the last 2 wks), and I wasn't able to tell a difference in my back and neck pain and muscle tightness. But, I think I can relate the severe headaches and thirst to Skelaxin. It's very expensive and ineffective. The side-effects are not worth trying it any longer. And NEVER drink while taking this medication, especially if you're by yourself!

Was terrified that there was somebody at my desk in the middle of the night frantically writing. Heard strange noises at windows and doors. Psychosis got worse at night. Thought my stomach wall had burst the pain was that bad. I wasn't in too much pain with H. Pylori nightly indigestion but this is ridiculous. I doubled over in pain with agonizing muscle spasms along my back and stomach. Had to get a friend to help me walk to the kitchen. Can't eat food, feel and look extremely bloated

I took it as a replacement for percocet due to the nausea factor. I had 10/10 post-op kidney and ureter pain and it took exactly 1 hour and 5 minutes to eradicate the pain with 2 pills - not good enough. The side effects were worse than just vomiting so I switched back to percocet. Even after being up all night due to the pain I couldn't nap the next day because of nerves despite being dead tired on and off. Once it started working it did take care of the pain for an entire 4 hours.