Simponi aria (golimumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Simponi aria (golimumab)

After 1st infusion, I felt awful. Having suffered for PSA since the age of 20, the joint paint amongst other issues hit me like a Mack Truck. My immune system bottomed out, I ended up in the hospital due to facial palsy, extreme fatigue and just felt horrible. After being discharged from the hospital, I collapsed in the shower, felt very ill and off kilter, saw MD, and he did D-Dimer test, negative. Had blood work done a week later and I had Epstein Barr virus. It's has destroyed my body. Since taking it in April I have had no energy, barely able to put one foot in front of the other, most days. I could go on and on, but enough has been said. Simply no good for me and now, I am paying dearly for it with declined health!

Persistent sinus & upper respiratory infection, coughing to the point of passing out, dry eyes, dry mouth, aching parotid salivary glands, loss of smell.

Do not take this!! I was almost dead in 9 months from it and the doctors wouldn't listen so I went off of it without telling them and gradually the upper respiratory issues subsided. I am left with permanent loss of smell and taste, I cannot produce tears or saliva, persistent cough, throat irritation and so much more. If you don't want your life ruined, don't take Simponi. Evil stuff!!

Worst drug I ever took. I have never had suicidal ideation but this was horrible. I couldn’t control the thoughts and thankfully stopped the drug and the thoughts stopped.

First infusion of Simponi Aria dosed by weight(115 ib). 3 wks post infusion developed stroke level BP and tachychardia. Also had daily sinus headache, menopausal like hot flashes and extreme fatigue. Cardiac workup, Echo and Nuclear Stress test showed no congestive heart failure or heart blockages. I wore a holter monitor for 30 days which showed irregular arrythmia for which I'm now on medication and a second medication for elevated BP. Had no cardiac issues before this infusion.I've had RA for over 20 years and this is the sickest I've ever been with it. At about 2/12 months post infusion, I finally began to feel as well as I felt the day I went in for the infusion.

Almost killed me. It started with not feeling right, loosing weight due to loss of appetite, fatigued, tripping over, sore throat.eventually it put me in ICU for 10 days and 10 weeks in hospital. Rapid lost of weight, throat issues, loss of muscle, loss of energy, developed high blood pressure, afib,loss of motor function, brain swelling, end up with tube feed and drug induced Lupus. Still recovering and has been 6 mos.

SIMPONI ARIA (GOLIMUMAB): This medication is used to treat certain types of arthritis (such as rheumatoid, psoriatic, ankylosing spondylitis). Golimumab belongs to a class of drugs known as TNF blockers. It works by blocking a protein (tumor necrosis factor - TNF) in your body's immune system that causes joint swelling and damage. Golimumab helps slow joint damage and reduce joint pain/swelling so you can move better. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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OUCH!!! too many side effects...I am so uncomfortable!!

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achieve optimal cholesterol level

The first two weeks, the first two months, and the first six months, had the most pronounced noticeable side effects. Now after about 15 months I mostly suffer from memory loss and a "floating" emotional experience of life moment by moment. Otherwise I can say that effexor XR has most likely saved my life. But I can't wait to get off of it too, I am going to wait until i am back in sunny, happy CA for that.

This is the Devils drug! I've run out of my meds for 1 week last year and the side effects went from mild face numbness on day 2, to haliousinations, vomiting, complete out of body feeling, hearing voices and more by day 7! I had no clue what was going on, until I started searching the Internet. I had every side effect listed! I am currently trying to taper on my own because my Dr said there's no way to get off that he can help me with. No one told me these horrible side effects when I was prescribed this drug. I went down 2 mg 12 days ago, and it's been nothing but crazy! Crying for no reason, fell down the stairs because I'm so off balance, the whole spectrum! Oh, let's not forget the memory loss! It's absolutely horrible!

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