Simcor (niacin; simvastatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Simcor (niacin; simvastatin)

Rarely will get a warm tingling feeling about 4 hours after ingestion but usually stops after 30 mintes. Appears to be the flushing effect of niacin..

My cardiologist suggested this medication to reduce LDL and increase HDL. It has worked for the LDL, reducing it from 125 to 90 mg/dl. The HDL has stayed the same at 45 mg/dl. Also this drug is not on my insurance formulary, so not sure if I need it, A normal statin alone might do the same thing, and be a whole lot cheaper.

Side Effects forsimcor (niacin; simvastatin) - User Comments


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severe aches in wrists, ankles, spine, hips feel like they are dislocating. Thought it was arthritis but it came on so fast, then I realized it started the day after my once a month dose. How long before it is out of my system. Started collegen and gluo/chondrotin pills for my joints but I want this ACID gone

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Was basically non functional for 6 months because of anxiety and lost 30 pounds. Tried Lexapro and gave it 5 weeks. Only gave me headaches. Also tried Xanax and Clonopin and while they worked, I would very quickly get rebound anxiety which put me into a spiral of hell. Finally found Paxil CR and it returned me to normal in 48 hours. Probably had the best year of my life on this drug even with intense times of stress. Oh, and it almost completely cured my IBS. It does cause emotional blunting. You still feel the emotion, you just don't yell or cry. Tried tapering off and IBS came back. Back on it again and back to normal.

just doesnt seem to be doing very much for the pain