Sildenafil citrate (sildenafil citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sildenafil citrate (sildenafil citrate)

Flush, Hot Feeling for about 2 hours after taking. Experienced no side effects that warranted not taking it.

SILDENAFIL CITRATE (SILDENAFIL CITRATE): Sildenafil is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). In combination with sexual stimulation, sildenafil works by increasing blood flow to the penis to help a man get and keep an erection. This drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis). Practice "safe sex" such as using latex condoms. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Iv only been taking it for 11 days. But so far my bladder is always full, no desire to eat (not a complaint, twithy cant be still, headache sometimes, one day I woke up and it felt like I had spent the day before in the gym my muscles were so sore subsided though.

It's hard to believe I took this pill every single day for 2 years, but the damage has been done at this point. it's been 5 years since I quit and I have zero libido, zero sex drive, can't be aroused, don't get w3t, and I feel like an emotional robot. No human emotions. This is pure soul death. Look up PSSD and please don't do this to yourself like I did. I feel suicidal every day because of the long term effects from this awful drug.

none really so far. maybe a little more tired than usual, and slightly more emotional.

Breakthrough bleeding during sex or intense physical activity the week after my period. Sometimes no period.

This has been a life saver for me! I am more moblie and not sitting on my rump, waiting for the next spasm. They still come, just not as often. It also really helped with unrinary hesistancy.

I started on 3mg. Went right to sleep, slept through the whole night. Wierd taste in my mouth went away when I drakn my morning coffee. Didn't effect the taste of my coffee or breakfast. I look forward to getting sleep!

I liked it. I don't have much to compare it to, and I was told that it would have addiction issues. Not really an issue for me, but I tried to wean myself off slow anyway. I wanted off of them so I could get my brain back, so I went from 4 a day down to 2 too fast. I should have gone from 3...but when I stopped completely, I had no withdrawals nor did I miss them. It really did help me. The problem with cutting down too quickly is it would take about 2 days to get the pain relief back to where it was.

Nausea for three months while titrating, some hair loss, weight gain and fatigue

Severe stomach pain to start. Muscle cramping next. The latest symptoms are swollen hands, feet and knees. All joints (toes included) in feet so swollen that it hurts to walk. Left hand so swollen that you cam't see the tendons or veins. Cannot even make a fist. Hand is too painful to even use.

Went to sleep but couldnt stay asleep because the taste in my mouth woke me up. If I ever wanted a cigarette. it is NOW