Sertraline hydrochloride (sertraline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sertraline hydrochloride (sertraline hydrochloride)

High anxiety, worse that before taking it

Feel alot better than i did before taking it. Still get slight anxiety but depression gone. Hopefully over tike the anxiety improves. But so far all good

relief of anxiety (on 50 mg), nausea diarrhea (on 75 mg)

this medicine definitely helped me with my anxiety and in effect that prevented anxiety-induced heart palpitations which were crucial in my eligibility to use Adderall because patients require a good cardiovascular system to be on it; doesn't help with depression though lol :)

Depression, anxiety, BPD, trauma

It's given me IBS and GORD/GERD, meaning it definitely causes digestive problems. My sex drive fluctuates massively, and it doesn't do much for my BPD or complex/multiple traumas. It gives me myoclonic jolts which can impair my fine motor skills, and it can cause my dissociative episodes to last much longer.But it does help reduce my anxiety and depression, and once I adjusted to the medication it stopped my hallucinations (only really get them about 1 or 2 times a year as opposed to multiple times in a week).

I was prescribed a small dosage of about 25mg at first and it did nothing. So I put it under my tongue and spat it out for about 10 months, lying to caretakers and psychs that I was taking it. They upped my dose a couple times before I had to go to the psych ward for psychosis and suicide attempts, got forced to take them; I went from 0mg to about 100 to 150mg within a short amount of time.. I shouldve been honest with people about that because I was high as a kite for a few months. Undesirably too as it increased the reasons for admission, plus it gave me mania and mood swings as well. But once that all subsided, it became a very helpful medication. I had to increase it to 200mg a year later and it's finally working. That's why the rating I'm giving it is as high as it is.. because it does work.Only thing is, it will take me a long time if I were to ever get weened off this medication. I don't think I will be for a long time still, as I still get periods of intense emotional distress, and I am still living in the environment I got sick in. But once I move out and get stable access to DBT, I'll hopefully be able to at least reduce my dosage.

Horrible drug. No sex drive. Killed my appetite and felt sick everytime I ate. I could only have one small meal each day!

SSRI medications are seriously overrated and overused. I do much better on Tryciclics.

No serious adverse side effects. No panic attacks or bad anxiety !

Short term memory loss, diarrhea, frequent urination, interrupted sleep, weight gain, occasional feeling that something is crawling on my ankles.

Even with all the side effects, I continue to take this med becaus it’s been the most effective for me over the last 19 years. I was not willing to take meds for a long time and insisted depression could be address d through a combination of the right nutrition, exercise, therapy, and spiritual practice. All this things help, but aren’t enough to correct a chemical imbalance. When I found out that I was pregnant, I abruptly stopped taking it without asking my doctor. This was a huge mistake and why I am convinced hat I will always need some sort of chemical support. I felt like I had fallen into a dark hole. I couldn’t think rationally, I was paranoid, I couldn’t force myself to be around people, I felt hopeless and doomed.

Mild depression, angry, bitter

On 25 horrible thoughts, lack of sleep, jumpy, still angry, waiting for something to happenOn 50 much more relaxed, not so angry and bitter at what life has thrown me.

25 is definitely not enough. Im the type of person that wanted to stay at the lowest dose. Big mistake. Didnt work. Actually felt worse. Almost stopped taking. But then I bit the bullet and took the full 50. Thank god I did. More relaxed and overall better attitude. Side effects are troubling but definitely go away.

Decreased sexual libido, heartburn, forgetfulness

I've been taking antidepressants since I was 17 yrs old. At the time I could remember my quality of life was taken in the wrong direction for a while. Doing self destructive things...allowing myself to be taken advantage of, very sensitive, very easy to manipulate..pretty much no backbone, and suicidle. Introduced to SSRI's have helped me to get my mind right. I started making more logical decisions for my life. Thinking more rational. Every now and then disturbing thoughts haunt me..but not as bad as if I wasn't taking the medicine. I would say a little desensitizing with emotions and libido. But there are other ways to fix that than to be fully dependent on the medication to fix everything because it doesn't. But it has brought a lot more peace into my mind and think more rational and to help me make more logical decisions. I think if anyone is having trouble with this should seek therapy cause that is also part of the treatment. I'm 37 now..still taking Sertraline and it's definitely been a life saver, mind saver, and choice saver.

vivid dreams. and now olfactory hallucnations (smelling smoke) seems to have taken the edge off of all my worrying though.

Just started taking it and have increased appetite, drowsiness and slight nasuea..but it helps me to sleep

Take at night or you'll be deliriously tired the next day..

don't take dangerous will make your life worse

Very disturbing short term memory loss! More than ususl drowsiness... But, it did dial down my anxiety reactions.So, good and bad...?

Some short term memory loss. No other side effects noticed.

Helps with my anxiety and depression. Definitely gave me my life back.

This medicine saved my life. Im a 28 year old male who had no serious problems in his life. Good family, beautiful girlfriend, great job but would have these episodes of severe anxiety. Last year I felt hopeless. Felt like a waste. No one understood what I was feeling other than people who actually experienced it themselves. I was too stubborn to take medication at first. Thought it made me feel like less of a man and weak. I came to terms that this was the chemistry of how my brain was functioning. Finally after three years of on and off symptoms of anxiety I decided to take sertraline which was recommended by someone who was currently taking it. This person is a family member of mine so I figured if my anxiety was genetic that maybe the medication would work. After four weeks of taking it, it started to kick in. I was very skeptical after the first two weeks when i didn't feel any positive results but was told by the Doctor to give it a chance. The day before I started feeling the positive results of the medicine I was ready to sign into a psychiatric center. Now I have my personality and social life back. And don't stress over petty issues in life anymore. I was fortunate that there was no trial and error of other meds for me. If it works for you you will love it.


Side Effects forsertraline hydrochloride (sertraline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Bloating and cramping not sure if this is gluten free I currently have Celiac disease and Gastroparesis and getting this done to make sure I don't have colon cancer as I've had a few family members die from this at a very young age. I took this medication at 5 took me an hour to finish it and I didn't feel the effects until 4 hours later I'm a special case though as it takes forever for my body to digest anything so it may work faster for you. I just want to know how long the crapping last as it's been 3 hours and I'm still on the toilet and have to take the second dosage in a few hours. Overall this product does its job I'm use to stomach pain so it didn't bother me much. It comes out of your like hot lava.The taste is like cherry cough syrup, like when you're little and your mom gives you that baby medicine. It tasted pretty good to me actually I'm just concern the added flavor may have contained gluten but it's only a few days of pain for me if it did contain gluten.

can not take this with these side effects. i wonder if all histamine blockers will do this to me.

I had appearing a rash on my penis. It was literally raw. I went to my doctor and was treating me for some kind of burn. I figured out it was not external but internal. Once I stopped taking it, I began to heal. I even contacted the FDA to let then know of my adverse reaction to this drug.

real sleeply but can't go to sleep not good only day 3

I experience terrible headaches, nausea, and dizziness. I am uncertain whether nexium is responsible, but I also experienced a seizure in addition to the previously listed side-effects. I made an appointment with the doc to get further testing.

I found this sight, and said "These women are me" Started with knee pain, ankle pain, then came stiffness all over. Hands swelling and stiff. Decreased range of motion. Fatige. Night sweats, waking me up. Chest discomfort. Surely this is not the price we pay, for hope! I thought I was just paranoid. I could barely walk when getting up in the morning. I work on my feet all day and by the end of the day, my legs were aching and burning. If I sat down for a while, I got stiff. I called my onocologist and am on hold, I will be trying something else at next visit.

At first I thought I was just sick with the flu or something. But the headaches and nausea persist everyday. I looked up the side effects, but I wasn't convinced. But after weeks of feeling sick I am.

I only felt drowsy once in a while after taking it, but it soon passed (in about an hour).

Just a rash on my neck and chest

My neurologist started me off at 25 mg and built me up to 250 mg BID, I have spent the past three weeks in bed, unable to move, unable to leave the house.