Septocaine (articaine hydrochloride; epinephrine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Septocaine (articaine hydrochloride; epinephrine)

Anxious, shaking, headache, fast heart rate, dizziness, should not have been driving home the first time i had it. The 2nd time I made sure I had a ride. 2nd time woke up in middle of night gasping for air...not sure that is side effect or not

Immediately after the injection I felt dizzy with a rapid heartbeat. I felt dizzy still for the rest of the day and then woke in the middle of the night feeling like the room was spinning. The next morning I was still so dizzy I couldn’t get up. I’ve never felt anything like it before. I have young kids and my husband had to stay home to help me. I didn’t feel well enough to stand up until after 3pm. And then still felt a bit off balance the next day. I was so relieved when it finally went away.

I was not warned at all about these potential side effects and will only use lidocaine from now on. I’ve never had a bad reaction like this from lidocaine.

Was given this medication Tuesday by dentist for a tooth extraction. It's now Friday, lips, chin and face are still numb and it looks like I have had a stroke. I have had lots of dental work but have never experienced anything like this. Will I ever be normal again?

I never want this medication again.

Jaw, ear, neck, head pain. Still continuing after 3 days. There was no epi in this. I will not have this again

I had the shakes straight away and thena day later severe anxiety, shaking, losing control of my body, feeling like I was about to pass out, parathesia down my face hands and foot, now a sensitivity in my ears with Ringing and also tachycardia! I also have a sensitivity down my neck now and I had insomnia with it

Do not use it! Even my doctor said it was dangerous and just use lidocaine

dentist was putting in a filling

After my injection I was unable to close my left eye which was the side the injection was given. I began to have intense techacardia and felt as if I was going to lose consciousness my body began to convulse and I experienced dizziness and nausea followed by extreme weakness of my entire body. This was at around 11:45 a.m. it is now 9:42 pm and I still feel horrible.

Wonderful drug! Doesn't provide the length of relief to me that most patients experience, but that only means a 2nd or 3rd injection for lengthy procedures when it starts to wear off.

Before people who have had bad reactions scream "take it off the market!" Ask yourself what relief is available to those of us who are allergic to lidocaine!?!?

Intense pain at injection site (advil helps), dizziness, tremors, flu-like symptoms, terrible headache, neck pain, intense anxiety. After 4 day, there is no improvement. Can't get any good advice as to how long this will last or if it will get worse. Terrible drug!

injected upward for top incisor work and made my nose first numb, then painful for two weeks.

My chart said no Sudafed, ephedrine, etc. and Septocaine has epinephrine in it. The next time I was switched to Carbocaine without epinephrine and it wore off several times during the procedure (epinephrine is added to make the effects last longer). No problem with the Carbocaine though.

in my dental injection to do crown

SEVERE nerve injury along my jawline for SEVERAL YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (IAN nerve injury) Chronic BURNING PAIN!!! Debilitating PAIN!! The needle hit my nerve during the injection and I yelled out. In addition, I had painful and swollen glands under my neck for about 6 months. In the first month, I also had stiff neck, heartbeat irregularities, loss of hearing. In the first few months my pain was 24/7 and I didn't think I could live the rest of my life in that much pain.

The FDA needs to immediately take this drug off the market!! A quick search on google will bring up the study that got it approved through the FDA, and you'll see how it showed it had almost triple the nerve injury rates from that of the old standard of lidocaine!!!! Studies also showed that the rates of these injuries rose in Canada and England after the introduction of Septocaine (also called Articaine). Please also see the tons of people posting online about their injuries from this drug in the popular discussion group online. Just type in "oral nerve injury" on Google and then click on the first or second website that says sciental in it. Then click on "Discussion Group" in the left column, and then click on the topic "Injection Nerve Injuries". Most of the people with these injuries posting on this board state that they got Septocaine instead of Lidocaine!!!!! Many are in so much pain that they are discussing suicide!! Studies also show that i

Rapid heartbeat, tremors which began mid-appointment and escalated into severe Parkinson's-like shaking violent and scary enough to send me to the ER in the middle of the night. This went on for 2 days!! until the drug cleared my system.

My dentist at first suspected low blood sugar and gave me juice, then suggested antihistimine for an allergic reaction - this did not help. The emergency room kept me several hours and sent me home untreated to hope this would eventually go away!!! This was a nightmare that may have long-lasting neurological effects.

severe pain lost of taste and feel on one side of face and tounge

should be taken off the market

live with pain and numbness for the rest of my life

small filling replaced in tooth

Everything seemed like a routine trip to the dentist. But once the numbing started to wear off, pain increased where the needle had been inserted until it was unbearable. Terrific pain in my jaw and the worst headache ever! Migraines are nothing compared to this. I was given Naproxen for the pain and that made the pain somehow tolerable. It took a good month for the pain to go away. Very nasty drug. All this for a small filling that fell out and had to be replaced.

Prior to taking Septocain, I never had any trouble with medications. Since that time, I've had a very difficult time with anything doctors try to prescribe. I also have ringing in my left ear and sometimes visual issues. I wonder if it is still in my system.

Side Effects forseptocaine (articaine hydrochloride; epinephrine) - User Comments


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Has made a major change in my life.

I take vicodin as needed each day for back pain. I'd love to stop taking this medication but really need it for pain relief. Aspirin, Tylenol, Tramdol, other meds don't do anything for me. So for now this will have to do.

Diarrhea, Nausea, vomiting for 3 days following shot of Toradol for Migraine. has change my life. Im off balance severely depresead..pappatation..ear infection...cant work now ..i wasnt like dis till I got on lipitor. I take lisinipril 20..and fish oil...i need help. Please do not take it..

I am currently taking 25mg. When I got the instruction from the pharmacy they instructed to take it in the morning priscribed by my doctor, and that it may caused dizziness. Since I had work the next day and drive, I ask if I can take it at night instead, they said yes. I took it the night before work, and after 20 minutes I felt tingling in my head, and didnt notice no dizziness or nasua when I stood up from watching TV. When I went to bed I was rolling and tossing all night, tingling, and heavy sweating. I thought I was not able to sleep due to taking a three hour nap very late in the day. When I finally feel asleep at 6 am to 9 am I felt energetic until I got to work, I felt sluggish through the day. 2nd night I took it again and with no nap that day, I went to sleep, and I was tossing and rolling again, and really had no sleep again then notice it was the meds, and went to work feeling the same thing again. I decided to switch to morning. I skipped the one day, and was able to sleep at night. The next morning I took it at 630am, and went back to sleep, and woke up at 8 and felt happy, and energetic,when I got to 10am I was feeling tired and sleepy throughout the day, and then I took it again the next day on an empty stomache, and felt tired all day again, and then started to notice costipation, and midday tiredness. Other than that this medication helps with alertness. I will be updating in the future how it works with school and concentration. If any of you felt consipat

1st night FABULOUS! I went to sleep in the spot I woke in even my arms did not move for 8 solid hours! I woke with NO PAIN anywhere! Not even my eye sensitivity; I was on top of the world. I didn't need my sunglasses the world was brighter and clearer (have dry eyes and eye pain). Today 7th day the effects are wearing off and the familiar pains are returning. The jury is still out with staying on this med. But my hair falling out is frightening and one post said her hair did not grow back! But this med worked a miracle on my poor little body. I could not finish washing my hair one day my arms were so weak it was alarming. Today I was up with my drill hanging curtains without my arms feeling like they were almost useless noodles. I can't believe my body has gotten to this point. I use to lift 45 lb dumbbells now just lifting my arms is hard. I have had 5 back surgeries C3-6 and L3-L1 fused, had a ruptured breast implant for 2 years, I had been in several minor accidents that keep reinjuring my fragile back and I also have my left shoulder, traps in extreme pain numbness and tingling along with the severe pain of my mid and low entire spinal column is injured along it; TMJ & migrains. Disabled since 1987 recovered from first neck surgery; 1993 accident was the final full disability of not coming back from. Meds are Methadone 10mg 3xD, Loritab 7.5mg PRN, Diazepam 5mg PRN, Topomax 100mg 1xD, Prozac 20mg 2xD

Joint pain.insomnia depression.swolen fingers. Tiredness

In the emergency doctor's own words "this is a nasty drug" After just one day I spent over an hour and a half being continuously sick, had to go A&E where I had to have three injections to try and calm the nausea and sickness and lessen the pain. Worst of all though my heart rate was 120! I'll never go near this drug again

Slight Breast Enlargement, Light Spotting, increase in sex drive

severe itching and burning rash, nervousness, extreme sweats, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, tremors