Selegiline hcl (selegiline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Selegiline hcl (selegiline hydrochloride)

Positive side effects only: some slimming, some rise in libido. At this dose I did not follow an MAO diet and had no problems. (All on doctor's advice.)

It works for depression for me. It has been by far the best thing I have found in over 30 years of trying a great many things.. DOWN SIDE - the different pill formulations are NOT the same - no capsule form has worked for me, which I had to discover via laborious trial and error, and I believe there has been a recent change in the tablet as the effect diminished with the last refill -- I am somewhat more depressed - and there is also a negative change in the texture of my hair, which has become wispy. (A similar thing happened to me years ago when I took Wellbutrin.)I am unhappy with this change, and imagine it affects patients taking the medicine for other reasons too. I think that the original makers of the med stopped making it in factor of making/selling Emsam patches, which are much more expensive.

I talk, laugh, sing, shout, even teach in my sleep, while I'm having very vivid dreams. Husband tolerates it, wakes me, and we resume sleeping. (We warn houseguests in advance.)

My Dr. tried to change me to a different med, but after only 3-4 days without selegiline, I had trouble walking, worsened tremor, jerking shoulders, and anxiety. Dr.put me back on selegiline quickly, and I'm doing as well as before.

Post quadruple by-pass I suffered chronically from what is best described as electrical discharges in my brain. This was also accompanied by loss of confidence at driving, of heights, and in general. I also suffered numerous mini-blackouts. Selegiline effectively controls those symptoms but regretfully does not appear to cure the problem. There appears to be a connection between my heart and my brain (obviously) and I suspect those neurological symptoms could be due to minor heart-attacks which this drug effectively controls. I discovered those benefits through reading the literature and had to battle with the GP/MD to have them prescribed rather than having to purchase from the Internet.

While Selegiline (10mg/day)was an improvement over Requip (9mg/day)in drowsiness, it was unfavorable relative to Requip in balance,bradykenisis,leg cramps,nervous leg, gait,rigidity,and weight gain.

SELEGILINE HCL (SELEGILINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat movement disorders caused by Parkinson's disease. It does not cure Parkinson's disease, but it may improve shakiness (tremor), muscle stiffness, loss of normal movement as your dose of other Parkinson's medication wears off (end-of-dose failure), and sudden switching between normal movement and stiffness ("on-off" problems). It may improve your range of motion and ability to walk, dress, and exercise. Selegiline is usually used in combination with other medicines (e.g., levodopa, carbidopa). Selegiline is an enzyme blocker (MAO inhibitor) that works by slowing the breakdown of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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