Seconal sodium (secobarbital sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Seconal sodium (secobarbital sodium)

None. I would wake up very refreshed with no hangovers

The best pill for insomia and cronic anxiety whrn taken as perscibed..i don’t understand why Docs say no to seconal

I used as needed and slept each time. I did not become "addicted" or crave the drug. This medication is so far superior to Ambien and the like.

It is too bad that physicians are so hesitant to prescribe Seconal and that pharmacists act like you have a prescription for an illegal substance when you present the hard copy to them. I know all of the horror stories about Seconal..I know all of the dangers and precautions. I simply follow the prescription (use as needed) and I have never had a problem. I do not drink alcohol when I take the medication (common sense and also listed on the bottle) Seconal has become so vilified for reasons that could be attributed to any drug, even OTC drugs, Tylenol is so dangerous and damaging. This is not because it is inherently bad, it is because people do not follow the instructions....period.

I had heard about possible side effects. But I never experienced any of them. It worked very well.

My seventeen year old daughter and I have both been diagnosed with insomnia. Over the counter sleeping pills like Unisom have helped her, but I needed something a bit stronger. For a while, my doctor had me on seconals. I slept profoundly with it. It would knock me out within minutes. More recently, I have been going back and forth between Lunesta and the Unisom that my daughter takes. But seconals seemed to work the best.

For chronic insomnia? it dose its job perfectly.As good as this medicine is for insomnia, it is brutally addictive.If you do have access to it, proceed with exquisite caution.

I had been a chronic insomniac for about 10 years, when finally at age 16, a Dr prescribed to me the infamous non barbiturate, Doriden- I say that fast acting barb's are addictive, but nothing tops Doriden for abuse potential- So they switched me to Seconal. but after a few months, I was taking more then I should- I was hospitalised for detox, and suffered a series of gran mal seizures- I could have died. Dont taste this forbidden fruit if given the opertunity, or you will soon be self increasing you dose- this is a truly dangerous substance.

A sleepy "hang over" effect in the day.

I've had problems with sleeping issues/insomnia on and off for years now. I've tried many over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills before without much luck until using "Seconal" (secobarbital) sodium. Although barbiturates are considered "old time" medications and are rarely used today because the risk of addiction and lethal overdose - they still can be a real blessing for those who use them responsibily. Seconal works a whole lot better than the newer seditives like Ambien or Lunesta. I highly recommend this med.

Dizzyness, euphoria, laziness.

Well I was only prescribed one time because I had tried every possible sleep med on the market and was about to turn myself into a pscyh ward due to sleep deprevation. My PCp finally said I want you to try this and don't ever expect to see an rx again this is a one time thing so hold onto them as long as you can. I took one as soon as I left the pharmacy and drove home fast. When I got home it was 3pm and I ate a small meal. I had a feeling of being drunk without the full stomach or needing to pee. As soon as I hit the pillow I just smiled a big ol smile and slept straight for 16 hours. I woke up feeling a bit groggy but man o man was that a great sleeping pill. I only had 15 so I used it once a week and it was a nice chance to catch up on the sleep I lost during the week. Once I ran out I was very sad because I've tried everything on the market and this was the ONLY drug that ever worked so well. I guess there were alot of people that od'ed on the stuff in the 70's. I say how many peo

SECONAL SODIUM (SECOBARBITAL SODIUM): This medication is used to calm you just before surgery. Secobarbital belongs to a class of drugs known as barbiturate hypnotics. It works by affecting certain parts of the brain to calm you. Older adults should discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with their doctor or pharmacist, as well as other effective and possibly safer treatments. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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cleared up my sinuscould breath even after running outsidei live in death valley (Oregon valley)

A little jittery/hyper, sleeplessness, irritability, constipation at higer dose.

I was very hot (my BBT rose by about .8 degrees) and had trouble sleeping through the night, so I felt exhausted all day. I still am having trouble sleeping, even though I've been off of it for 12 days. I am also charting my temps, and they started dropping 3 days ago, yet still no period. :(

I have had no side effects except very steady heart function. Metoprolol at much higher dosage failed to control my irregular heart rhythms. This drug was perfect at a very low dose. Seems like I have avoided typical beta blockers, ablations, and pace maker routine course. My pulse is now in the low 60s steady. I am quite active and in good condition, especially for 74. Of all the drugs I have taken in my long life, this one is the most beneficial.

take 2 22.5 mg each night with no side effects and sleep great for first time in years. Have tried many other meds including Lunesta, Ambien, Ambien Cr. Was not even concerned very much about the side effects until I read this page.I will ask at next appt. Although after years of sleep problems the rest may be worth it.