Sanctura xr (trospium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sanctura xr (trospium chloride)

does not last 24 hoursstopped reflux and leg cramps a super pluscopay $95 with medicare

When I researched sanctura I found it was an antisposmatic drug I have severe insomnia when this cleared up the reflux and leg cramps I started sleeping. Biggest problem is the $95 copay with medicare

SANCTURA XR (TROSPIUM CHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, trospium improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. Trospium belongs to a class of drugs known as antispasmodics. It is also known as an antimuscarinic. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I did not read the literature that came with ALENDRONATE(generic of FOSAMAX) nor I read this web site. I just took itand followed instructions of my doctor. I took the first tablet last Sunday before breakfast. The first side effect I experienced is a slight diarhia (3 times in the morning).Then, by 3:00 am, I experienced pain in my body. I thoughtthe pain will subside in the morning but it didn't. It got worse. I could not get up without the help of my husband.He tried to help me by pulling my hands but the pain was suchthat it won't work. He was able to make me sit up by pushingmy back up. I was only able to walk with the aid of a cane.I walked in so small steps and so very slow. I became disabledovernight. I went to the doctor Monday afternoon. He prescribed pain killer but I did not take it. I was afraid that if I don't feel the pain, I might fracture more bones. At that time, I was not sure yet what caused my excruciating pains,the fosamax or a frac

loss of bladder control,huge diminish in sex drive,difficult to orgasm,emotionless,felt like a robot,could sleep forever.

I took it as prescribed on 5/14 at 6:00 a.m. By 6:00 p.m. I started having pains in my chest, but it felt like muscle pain and only when I moved certain ways. By midnight, I couldn't even lay down comfortably and tried to sleep sitting up on the couch. I went to back to the doctor the next day and explained my symptoms. They said it was probably muscle strain since I had done some yard work and jogging a few days before. I've never had that problem before. I wanted to believe this, but after doing some research, I know that it's this drug. I can't believe they would prescribe this to me. After talking to a few friends, I found out that a lot of people get very sick from taking this drug.

Dizziness during the first couple of days. After that, I generally felt somewhat out of it. Headachy, could not sleep soundly, had trouble getting out of bed.

The new candy coated stuff is terrible. It's all they sell around here now though. Went to 17 different drug stores one day just to find a pack of 30 2mg classic fruit nicorrette. Quitting this stuff is just as hard as quitting smoking.

Seems to calm me down and relief my pain I work construction (30 years) Had a very bad infection when I was 25 with temp.around 108 sometimes my head will shake now and then (I quess so) but while taking this it stops it I really dont like taking drugs but I really dont want to live the rest of my years in pain either I will only take this drug for short periods, stop, suffer till I cant stand it anymore, then repeat the process I am thankful I have this option....

Ruined my whole life since I got it. Been screaming for the side effects to end. They should in September. It's already ruined everything I have.

I took 200mg for 2 days then started with side effects, the worst being shortness of breath and palpitations. Checked with doctor who checked me over ,found that my blood pressure was up and that I had racing heart and irregular pulse.Practise nurse gave me ECG then I was sent to Emergency Care Centre.I had 4 blood tests ,a chest x-ray and 2 more ECGs ,then was told my symptoms were side effects from Metronidazole.My antibiotic was changed but I still feel ill 3 days on and quite depressed.

now i have stopped taking it i realise how awfulit was, i literally deflated within a week and have since lost lots of weight. irregular bleeding and therefore not knowing wether pregnant was a nightmare. all symptoms have gone now