Sanctura (trospium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sanctura (trospium chloride)

NO SIDE EFFECTS! This medication worked well for me from day one! Very happy!

Got very dizzy. Cut doses in half. Developed dryness of skin in face. Skin strarted peeling on forehead and on the side of my nose. Peeling became severe between my eye and my nose. I stopped taking the medicine but four weeks later skin still is peeling. It is slowly going away.

SANCTURA (TROSPIUM CHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, trospium improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. Trospium belongs to a class of drugs known as antispasmodics. It is also known as an antimuscarinic. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This should be your choice if you wonder which SSRI to take for the first time. Its the most tolerable of the lot. I found Celexa to be better than Lexapro for social anxiety. I take Lexapro now, because I find I'm a lot less tired. I take 10mg, which I might have to increase on my next visit to the doctor. Each person is different. I'm glad I tried Lexapro, because I was so scared of gaining weight again. Here's a combo that some of you might want to ask your doctors about that has helped me.For weight loss while on Lexapa/Celexa-add 200 mg of Topamax.For energy while on Lexapro/Celexa-add 150mg of Wellbutrin.

I have taken this drug for six years. At first it seemed great. I took it at night and it just knocked me out cold each night ( even thou I had no sleep problems at the time) and it gave a weird high sensation about 45 minutes after taking it.In the morning thou I would have a very hard time getting up, often staying in bed for hours ( sleeping 12 -15 hours a day) and if one want s to participate in the world by school or working this makes it extremely difficult.I also gained 40 lbs over the 6 years which is not good. I have liver problems and was given this anyway. M y blood sugar and pressure were not affected, but my heart rate was high ( 80 per minute before seroquel under 75) I eat a vegan diet so that probably helped, but my heart is working harder from the weight gain.I did not find that it helped with any of my low esteem problems, ( that is for counsling) but just sedated me and put me to sleep thus avoiding life and becoming zombiefied.three months agi I deci

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This is awful and seriously ruining my life!! I wasn't even able to drive in to work today because of the level of anxiety that I was experiencing! It seems to always be the week following my cycle (what little one I have). I have been keeping a journal since December and it always seems to be the following week that I get so bad I cannot even get up sometimes. My heart races I get hot cold sweats and vision is almost like a blurred tunnel vision. I was prescribed 0.25 of Xanax to help with the anxiety. My original prescription was for about 30 pills that I got back in Nov. 2014 and I probably still have over half left just to give you an idea of how often I take them. I too have been to the ER and even a Neurologist to see if I was having seizures next was going to be a sleep depervation test?? After reading everything, and I have had NO issues with any other BC in the past I am going Weds to have mine removed in hopes that I can get back to my normal life. I can't keep doing this to my family and my job.

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I took Imodium during a severe bout of TD in Indonesia after eating some home-cooked food and unwashed fruit (getting sick was my own fault).I usually opt for natural remedies, but after 48 hours of constant bathroom trips, I needed to try something else.I figured my body had flushed out quite a good amount of stuff in 48 hours, and towards the end I had extreme gas discomfort as well as occasional liquid stool. The combination was explosive -- not pretty. My entire digestive tract felt like it was quivering when I tried to eat so that even eating plain white rice was painful and I couldn't finish a small bowl.When it got to the point that I couldn't sleep because I had to get up every 5-10 minutes, I tried just one Imodium pill (I am a petite female so often start with a half dose and find it's often enough). Symptoms subsided within 15 minutes and I was able to fall into a much needed deep sleep.The body best repairs itself while sleeping, and the immune system doe