Ryzolt (tramadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ryzolt (tramadol hydrochloride)

Severe pain and paresthesia in both arms at night. Itching. Constipation. Dizziness, Nausea.

Ryzolt ER was effective in reducing pain during the day. However, it seemed to bring back 10 times the pain at night. I would wake up howling with pain in my arms about 45 mins after I fell asleep. No amount of moving around, walking, heat, pain killers like advil, flexeril seemed to help. And no sleeping pills (Ambian 12mg) worked either. I consulted with my doctor and started weaning off Ryzolt over 2 weeks. The night time pain gradually faded away with that so this was clearly a side effect of Ryzolt ER. These symptoms were weird because it felt like the blood suppy to my hands was being cut off when I was lying down. I could see my veins popping up, my fingers were swollen and it the pins and needles turned to stabbing pain all over my arms. In addition, the paresthesia seemed to alternate between my arms at times. placing the heat pad on my neck and chest gave temporary relief. My Doc could not make any sense of my symptoms. Either way I am so glad it went away. Taking Ryzolt for 2 weeks left me depleted and worse off than before i had started taking it for Fibromyalgia. If you are trying this for the first time, report any ''weird'' symptoms to you Doc immediately.

Side Effects forryzolt (tramadol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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