Rytary (carbidopa; levodopa) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rytary (carbidopa; levodopa)

extreme dyskinesia, occasional difficulty with breathing, hallucinations, gambling

very expensive copay even with my drug plan

RYTARY (CARBIDOPA; LEVODOPA): This medication is used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (such as shakiness, stiffness, difficulty moving) or Parkinson-like conditions. Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by too little of a naturally occurring substance (dopamine) in the brain. Levodopa changes into dopamine in the brain, helping to control movement. Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of levodopa in the bloodstream so more levodopa can enter the brain. Carbidopa can also reduce some of levodopa's side effects such as nausea and vomiting. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was afraid to ask and lived with it for a year! All I had to do is talk to my doctor honestly about it and things are much better. If you don't like Diovan ask for something else... there are tons of other HBP meds out there!

I understand that taking new medications means giving your body time to adjust to it, and that it may make you tired or nauseas but I'm more tired and nauseas than I've ever been while trying a new medicine. I also don't think it's normal that literally all I want to do all day, every day, is EAT. I have had to start carrying gum with me or else I will shove whatever food I can find in there. Also, I will be in a fine mood one second, but someone can say something completely normal and I will flip my lid. I have never been a very vicious person but since I've started this medicine, I've started yelling at people, throwing things, and wanting to physically harm people.

I was on the lowest possible dose. I took it for a week, and I went from mildly depressed to weeping uncontrollably, sudden fierce rages, and thoughts of hurting myself. I'd rather be unmedicated.

Took actiq after neck fusion & along with the durigesic fentynal patch around 1999. It was working great & every 4 hours, my migraine would come back & then the actiq would stop it. This continued until they changed the production of it from the US to the european method. For some reason, the actiq in the new formulation never did work. As soon as I used it, the migraine continued & continued without working at all.

Side effects occurred 4 days after I took the high one time dosage

This medication has helped with some of my seizure symptoms, but there must be another way to achieve this without the above side effects that are causing so much discomfort; the trade-off with effexor is not worth it for me. This med. is not for everyone.

Just Google Flagyl and Cipro lawsuits. There are firms dedicated to nothing but filing suit for people whose lives have been destroyed because of these drugs. I only took 7 pills of this poison and 7 pills of Cipro before stopping. I believe both drugs in concert have caused the severe side affects to double. No way of knowing which one is worse. I've read that both are equally as horrible on their own. Side affects are still present after 3 days of being off. It is bar none the worst most insidious chemical I have ever put into my body. The people who developed it, sell it and approved it belong in prison. How the FDA allowed this nightmare drug on the market is beyond belief. I thought they were supposed to protect us.

The Plaquenil causes intestinal upset regardless of how or when I take it. Plaquenil does provide some relief for my aches and pains, so I will not discontinue taking it. I am also experiencing trouble getting to sleep at night - a new experience for me. Could this be caused by the Plaquenil? My energy/stamnia has not improved. In addition to the Plaquenil, I take Celebrex for pain.